Chapter 4

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a/n: sorry for not updating in like ten days


Dan decides that no matter what he does, Phil is going to be a problem.

The problem isn't that Phil doesn't have feelings for Dan. Dan can't blame that much on Phil, as much as he wants to, because that's not Phil's fault. Even Dan knows it's his own fault for feeling like this for the worst boy he could be falling for at this point.

He blames feelings. This is why he focuses on studies. Studying, all you have to do is use facts. Everything he has to figure out comes from a book or common sense. Feelings are different. Dan is confused and frustrated, and there's not a book in the world that can help him with this now.

He can't stop thinking about the kiss. Just one small, gentle kiss, and Dan's mind is fogged with thoughts of it. Thinking about the way that Phil's lip felt against his- Gentle and caring. He'd kissed him as though he'd meant it. As though, maybe there were some way he felt to Dan the same way Dan may have felt towards him.

Dan had to mentally stop himself from thinking those thoughts. Phil was there to try and get in Dan's pants. Dan was there to helplessly fall for a boy who had no intent in ever falling for Dan.

Even if he did, Dan knows that wouldn't end well. Phil wasn't the type for that. Phil liked to have meaningless sex with nearly whoever he could get his hands on. Dan, though he wouldn't admit it, probably wouldn't mind a real relationship. Especially not with a certain boy with a mischievous smile and pretty blue eyes.


Dan decides to talk to Pj about Phil, because Pj is the only one he trusts with information like this. He meets up with him later that day.

Dan isn't as calm as usual, and Pj notices right away. He's biting his fingernails and fiddling with his hair like he's done something wrong. Pj has known Dan long enough to know. Dan wishes he were more subtle, but he knows he isn't.

"You're acting different," Pj points out. They're just playing video games, nothing out of the ordinary.

"I have a problem."

"Take a cold shower," Pj jokes, not looking away from the screen.

Dan rolls his eyes and elbows Pj in the side with his free hand. "I'm serious."

Pj nods, still not looking away. "Okay, shoot."

"What would you do if I told you I had feelings for Phil Lester?"

Pj freezes a moment. He pauses the game, realizing this is going to take more than half his attention. Dan doesn't want him to just focus on him like this, but that's how Pj is.

"I'd probably punch you in the face and tell you to snap out of it," Pj scoffs. "You know, for your own good. It'd probably hurt less than what'd end up happening to you if you dated Phil Lester."

"You lost your virginity to-"

"Stop," Pj interrupts before Dan can finish. "I know what happened, Dan. Surprisingly enough, I was there. I don't want to happen to you. Especially not with feelings. It wasn't that far for me."

Dan thinks for a minute, taking in a breath. "I think he may not be as bad as we think."

Even as he speak, the logical side of Dan is cursing at his feelings for being so naive. It's all a plan.

"You're mental," Pj sighs.

"I'm serious, Pj. Have you seen his bedroom? He's basically a child. I'd bet there was a side to him like that too."

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