Chapter 4 - That night

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After talking to Mark and Jack, we just sat around and played video games. Nothing too important. Soon nightime came around though. Oh god, I hope they don't turn evil again...

But, of course they did. I hid under the bed, while I heard the monsters below me snarling. It was horrible! It was torture, I knew Mark and Jack never wanted to hurt me. But, then again, right now they were monsters. They didn't care about me.

My thoughts were interupted by a loud bang. My senses were magically brought back to life. The banging got louder, and I soon came to the conclusion that it was coming from my door. Whatever it was, it was banging on the bedroom door. The bedroom I was in.

With my adrenaline pumping and my heart beating a mile a minute, I managed to stay quiet. I don't know how I managed, but I did. Just then, the door burst open. In came Jack, or so I thought. His eyes were beet red, and he looked like he was gonna straight up murder me.

He shot at me and I blacked out.

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