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So... I've been getting tagged on lots of challenges recently (Not that I mind x3)
So... I was tagged by -Mangle- and PhantasticFallOutBoy to do this other challenge so I am going to do it!
So... When I got to the picture, it was really small, so I just cropped it. It's blurry now... Sorry!
Anywho.. On with the questions and answers! WHOOOO!

1:My Nickname- My nickname is Suki, but I have others like Sushi and Suzuki. XD

2:My Eye Color- My eye color is a medium brown, but in light and pictures it appears lighter.

3:My Hair Color- My natural hair color is a regular brown, but I dye my hair a lot so it will be many different colors.

4:One Fact About Moi- I love nighttime. I will sleep, all day and stay up all night. My mom doesn't like it though.

5:Favorite Color- I like green and purple, but my all time favorie color is neon green. XD

6:Favorie Place- In my bed, duh

7:Favorite Celebrity- Ummmm... I have too many! Just check my bio. Most are listed there. (Youtubers included!)

8:Favorite Animal- It has to be wolves.. Idk why. I'm just drawn to them, I guess.

9:Favorite Song- Any song by any of the artists in my bio. XD

10:Favorite Book- I don't read much, tbh... I don't have a favorite book!

Now, I have to tag 20 people, but I don't know 20 people so I'm just going to tag a few.


Soooo.... Sorry if I missed someone! But I also tag all of you guys reading this to do the challenge too!

Have fun!

Two sides (A Darkiplier and AntiSeptic fanfiction) Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang