Chapter 5 - A peek into "The Room"

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I awoke with a start, and when I came to, I realized that I was chained to a bed. Where the fuck am I?? I looked around the room, blood stains everywhere. Dripping from every corner and crevice of the room walls. I shivered, sending goosebumps and raising the hairs on my spine. There was a single light in the middle of the room, although flickering, it showed my surroundings clearly.

There was a door to the far left of the bed I was on, my bed was in a corner. It was fastened to the wall with bolts. Okay, this is really weird. I should not be here. The light started flickering faster and eventually went out completely. Being chained to the bed, I could do nothing but to sit and wait for my fate to be decided.

The lighted flashed back on, as clear as the midday sky. I shielded my eyes as best I could, but I couldn't move my arms. There was a single bloody knife on a table, in the middle of the room. Directly below the swinging light fixation. That wasn't there before... Where did it come from?

I was deep in thought, zoning out like I normally do, when I heard a loud knocking on the door. Holy shit, is it Jack and Mark? Or are the the evil versions? I don't wanna know. But I do need to know, of course.

The door burst open and Jack and Mark came in, they weren't evil. Yay! I was saved! They told me that this was their evil version's torture chamber. Darkiplier and AntiSeptic I believe they told me. Such weird names... Anyway, they got me home safely. To my home, where I opened the door and greeted relaxation as a warm bubble bath, where soon after I fell asleep in my warm, cozy bed.

Oh, how I missed this.

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