Chapter 6- The Accident

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I woke up to the sounds of birds chirping, it was peaceful. Just kidding. I woke up to my stupid alarm clock. Ugh, work. I work as an artist, so I really don't need to leave home. However I do still need to wake up really early. I have to wake up at 6:00 AM every weekday.

I got up, took a shower, ate breakfast, etc. I got into my car, I decided to go to the video game store really quickly. I wanted to get a new game, preferably Minecraft for my console. I only have it on my P.C.

I drove out of the driveway, and got onto the road. I turned on my radio. Fall Out Boy, of course. It's my favorite band. I felt my phone go off in my pocket. I know that texting and driving is bad, so I don't ever do it.

But it was going crazy, buzzing and ringing every few seconds. So, I made the choice to try to fish it out of my pocket. I reached down, and felt my phone, but I couldn't get it out. So, me being stupid, I unbuckled my seat belt and got into a position where I'd be able to reach it.

Once I got the phone out, I buckled myself back up again and looked back up to the road. I saw a bright light, coming right towards me. It hit me, and at impact, I was numb. Then, I blacked out.

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