Chapter 7 - The two guys

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I woke up in a hospital bed, bright lights all around me. I felt like a machine, there was wires connected to me everywhere. I heard the steady beep in my ears and saw the white walls surrounding me.

The TV was infront of my bed, and it played a show. I have no idea who I am. Why am I here? I don't understand. Two men came running into my room. Again, I have no idea who the fuck they are.

One had blue hair and the other had green hair. They scrambled over to me, rambling about how they're happy I'm okay. The blue haired dude called me "Catt"... Okay? I'm guessing that's my name.

But I still have no idea who these people are. I'm just staring blankly as they're talking non stop. "Wait, who the fuck are you guys?" I finally piped up. They instantly froze, and ran outside to huddle and discuss some shit.

I'm sitting here in my bed, wondering what the fuck life is right now, then everything goes black. I see eyes, two pairs of eyes. One set is a bright neon green, and the other is a deep, dark pink.

They growled with deep voices. I sat, frozen in fear. They revealed themselves.

They were the same guys that were just in my room.

They spoke, after what seem like minutes, just staring at me. "We see that you have gotten into an 'accident'."
It sent chills down my spine.

One swiped his claw, ruining my vision. I appeared back in my bed, with doctors and nurses all around me. "She's back! We got her vitals. Let's hope she doesn't flatline again" One called out.

What the fuck happened? Why is this happening?

Two sides (A Darkiplier and AntiSeptic fanfiction) Where stories live. Discover now