32. Cedric

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"Yeah what's up?" 

"We gotta go to my house real quick. My brother said it was urgent." I tell him, we both lay on the edge of his bed, while the LOGO channel is on, I don't even know why we were watching that mess, and all those queers running around on RuPaul's Drag Race. I lay on my stomach with my legs wrapped around TJ's waist, who was sitting up right, my butt was in the perfect positioned to get smacked. 

"But, I'm so comfortable!" He whined, and pucked out his bottom lip like the big ass baby he was. 

"Me too, but this seems important." I whine back, doing the same. TJ takes his hand and gently caresses my left cheek, and teased me with his thumb. I made my right one jump and he grabbed them both. 

"Okay let's go before you get in trouble." He says looking down at it and concentrating on not attacking me right then and there. I loved teasing him and making him hard, just to say no. The look on his face is always priceless. We both get up and put clothes on and prepare to depart for TJ's first real visit to my mansion. 

We settle in his truck, after making sure all doors were locked, and we had our phones with us. I plant a small peck on TJ's cheek just to show him how much he means to me once more. Now that I know life is too short, I'm cherishing every small moment I have with him. "I love you Tevon." I whisper in his ear before he cranks the truck up, and revs up the engines, causing us to jerk onto the main road and then eventually to the highway. 

After riding for about twenty minutes, we arrive at the brick security booth on the perimeter of our gated community. I punch in my pass code, and the gate opens. The guards are almost never there, to check exactly who was coming through, but only if they got the pass word right. Then, they'd let basically anyone who knew it come in. Maybe that's a bad thing, now that I think about it. We cruise through the neighboring mansions, belonging to big time lawyers, some celebrities, and even one of Oprah's houses were on my block. But I guess TJ never knew that, which is why his mouth was open the whole entire time.

"Looks different when you're not sneaking me into the house at 5 am huh?" I laugh.

TJ nods his head in awe, and we pull up to my home. I notice the landscapers are not outside working on the yards, and the hedges. They usually are always here everyday around this time. We both step out of the truck and approach the front promenade leading to our driveway. Then I saw it. 

Hykeem's truck. Right next to Zeph's Charger. I can't believe this sorry mother fucker showed up at my home! And my own brother called me over to talk to him I bet! I break out into a run, and TJ quickly follows me after catching on to the fact that their's an unwanted vehicle at my home. A vehicle that belongs to someone who raped me, and tried to kill me twice. 

I burst through the glass front doors, and I panic. "Mom??" I scream up the stairs, and get no answer. 

"What's going on Cedric? Is that car whose i think it is?" He asks, semi-whispering.

"Yes! And he better come out wherever he is or there will be some problems. Hykeem! The fuck you doing in my house?" I say circling the first floor. I look in my mom's study, and she isn't there. "TJ, go check upstairs for Zeph, or Hykeem. Hopefully both." I order him and he bolts upstairs. I make my rounds into the kitchen, where the stove was on with no food on it. Was he trying to burn us down? Finally I reach the door from the kitchen leading into the garages. My mom's Mercedes wasn't there, so I guess she left before this bastard showed up. I swear I'm gonna kill Zeph. After I realize its too quiet, I collect my thoughts, I begin to run up the stairs to see where TJ was, and then I heard a sudden crackle and bang. My heart sank immediately. My mind only put together the worse scenario which made my eyes water and my stomach bubble. I ducked down on the steps and listened for more gunshots and there were none. Then, I hear screams from my brother. I race up the marble steps, remembering getting fussed at for running up and down them by my parents as a child, and I reach the den, where the cries were coming from. 

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