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With a groan, Jack buried his head in his arms again. Why was it so FRIKIN HARD to think of a birthday present for Mark?! He had been friends with Mark for years, and was currently his boyfriend, so why couldn't he think of one single thing that Mark would want? Jack glared at the crumpled paper in front of him then to the hundred other discarded wads in his trash can. Mark's birthday was in five days, and he needed an idea, quick. With a sigh, he flicked on his computer and logged into Skype. God, he was desperate if he was doing this.
"Hey Mark!" Jack's gloomy face instantly brightened when he saw his boyfriend's tired face on the screen.
"Hi! Any specific reason to why you're calling me 3 in the morning, or you just really wanted to see me?"
Was it really 3 o'clock already? He glanced at the time at the bottom of the screen. Oops.
Turning back to the screen, Jack replied, "Nope I just wanted to see you, beautiful."
"Aww, thanks, Jackiebaby," Mark yawned.
"No problem." Jack rubbed the back of his neck. "Ah, while you're here, for a completely random reason which doesn't have anything to do with this call, if someone were to ask what you  wanted as a gift, I don't know, maybe for your birthday, what would you say?"
Mark paused and stared at Jack for a moment.
"This isn't about my birthday gift is it?"
Shit, was it really that obvious.
"Nooooo," Jack lied, "It-it's for... one of.... my friends! Not you, but another one. Yeah, they have... ah, really similar interests as you and.... umm... I want to give them a gift?"
As he shook his head, Mark sighed.
"Jack, don't worry about it. Like I said, you don't have to get me a gift. Even if you do, I'll be happy with whatever you give me."
"But, but I want your birthday to be special!" Jack knew he sounded like a whiny kid now, but he didn't care.
"The fact that I'm spending time with you and all my friends already makes my birthday special. Now go get some sleep. You look like you need it."
"Alright." Jack sighed and waved, "Bye Markipoo. Love you."
Mark waved back. "Bye princess. Love you too."
The screen turned dark and returned to the Skype home page. Jack dropped banged his head on his desk. Back to the drawing board then. Suddenly, half way through his turn, he struck an idea. He shot out of his chair and grabbed his phone.
"Hey Wade, I need your help, and no, it has nothing to do with cheese graters this time."
"Jack, are we there yet? This blindfold itches."
"No, but we're almost there, just wait a little bit longer."
Jack steered his car off the main road and onto a narrow dirt path. After driving a few feet farther, he finally pulled over. He got out of the car and looked at him and Mark's destination. Will he like it? Jack thought
"Hey, I'm not getting any younger here!"
With a laugh, Jack tugged Mark out of the car and pulled the blindfold off.
"Here's your birthday gift, you big doof."
Before Mark could make a smart-ass come back, he noticed their surroundings and his mouth dropped open.
"You did all this for me?"
All around him was a ring of dark green trees, lining the edge of a bright clearing. The clear had a red and white checkered cloth in the middle and on the cloth sat a picnic basket.
"Surpri-" Before Jack could finish his sentence, Mark had enveloped him in a kiss.
From the forest, a voice called, "Whoo, free porn!", follows by laughter.
"Wade!" Jack whipped his head around, cheeks as red as tomatoes.
Still laughing, Wade, Bob, and many others burst out of the bushes.
"Come on lovebirds, we've got cake to eat!"
From his side, Jack heard Mark whisper, "We'll continue this later," before he ran out to greet his friends. Jack earaches the happy scene unfold in front of him, as a smile bloomed on his face. Then he too dashed out to join the fun.
"Hey, leave some cake for me!"

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