Return of the Umbrella (which only shows up once)

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Aka Waiting for the Bus in the Rain Pt.2

Jack trudged the way up the apartment stairs. A bronze plaque besides the double doors shone dully with the words: 596 Brown Street. His soaked sneakers squelched with each step he took. Brown strands of hair were plastered to his forehead. The rain had stopped but Jack was drenched, from head to toe.

"Damn cute guys and their helplessness," he said aloud. Jack unlocked the doors and tromped up the stairs, too impatient to wait for the elevator. By the time he reached the fourth floor, he was out of breath.

"Never again," Jack panted, stumbling over to his apartment. "I really need to work out more." Once he was inside, he stripped and ran into the shower. The water instantly calmed him. Jack could see his muscles visibly relaxing as he slumped against the wall. For a long time only his slow breaths and water hitting the ground could be heard. The man's eyes fluttered. It was so warm and the sounds so calming. He could just fall alse- no. Mustering up his remaining strength, Jack forced himself to finish his shower. When he stepped out, he only pulled on a pair of boxers before passing out in his bed.

Bzzz. Bzzzz. Bzzzzzzzzzzzzz.
Jack eyes flew open. He slammed a hand against his alarm clock.

"I'm up, I'm up," the man snapped, but the buzzing didn't stop. Instead the sounds of a random radio channel joined the noise. Stumbling to his feet, Jack searched for the source of the noise. It was the intercom on his wall. Half-asleep, he smashed three different buttons before clicking the right one. A click sounded.

"Hello?" Jack drawled, loud yawn escaping his mouth. A familiar voice came out from the speaker.

"Um, hi, this is Mark. You know, that guy you lent an umbrella to." Instantly Jack felt ten times more awake. It was as if the man's voice shot a lightning bolt down his spine.

"Yeah, the King of the Squirrels!" He replied. Mark chuckled nervously.

"That's me."

"Wait right a moment I'll buzz ya in," Jack instructed, mashing his fingers against the small buttons. One of them must've pressed the right one since a loud noise pierced through the speaker.

"Oh lordy, he actually came." With his excitement, Jack accent became stronger. Hiding his squeals, he dashed around the apartment, trying to tidy things up. Just as he shoved his drenched clothes from yesterday into a laundry basket, a knock sounded on his door.

"Comin'," he hollered. Pulling up the blinds from the windows, Jack ran over to the door. Swinging it wide open, he pulled the widest grin he could on his face.

"Hey there, Mark, was it?" The other man seemed to be frozen in place. "Sorry, it's a bit of a mess." Jack apologized, reaching up the scratch his head. He could feel a blush spreading around his face. When he turned to Mark, he was surprised to see the same.

"Y-you're in your boxers," the guy stammered. Jack looked down.

"So I am," he joked, in a despreare attempt to make light of the situation, "Like what cha' see?" Striking a pose, he was rewarded with a light laughter.

"Very much," Mark snorted. Then he turned an even deeper shade of red, comprehending his words. "I brought bagels." He said quickly, trying to save his dignity. Jack noticed a bulky paper bag hanging from his hand. His umbrella was also in Mark's grip.

"Bagels? Why didn't you say so? Come in, come in." Jack ushered his guest in. A clock on the wall caught his eye.

"Oh jesus, it's 7:30 already. I have be at work in a few minutes!" Panic rose in his throat. Mark looked disappointed.

"But I have bagels," he protested.

"We'll just have to eat them on the go," Jack sighed, running a hand through his hair. "I'll be out in a moment." He dashed into his room, pulled on a random set of clothes and dashed out again.

"Shall we go?" Mark asked, holding out his arm. He'd placed the umbrella on the kitchen table.

"We shall," Jack agreed. As he strode out of his apartment, arms linked with the stranger, he felt surprisingly comfortable with Mark. They dropped their arms as they left the building, Jack took a hold of Mark's hand. The man looked surprised, but only handed Jack a bagel. Pulling another out of the bag, he began munching on it. By the time they reached the bus station, the bagel was almost half gone. Mark raised his half bagel in a sort-of toast.

"To new found friends," Mark announced. Jack almost choked on his food.

"But we've only met twice." A bashful smile appeared on Mark's face. His tone was unsure as he spoke.

"Then hopefully we can meet again?" Loud screeches alerted Jack to his bus pulling up at the station.

"Definitely," he agreed. Waving goodbye, Jack ran off to the bus.

"Definitely," he whispered again to himself as the bus pulled away.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 22, 2016 ⏰

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