Waiting For The Bus In The Rain, In The Rain

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Requested by @invisiblegirltypetwo

Rain rain go away,
come again another day.
If only singing nursery rhymes could actually make the rain leave. Mark thought as he stood at his bus stop. What would be even better was a nursery rhyme that could make an umbrella magically appear. He was drenched head to toe. Even the shirt inside his jacket was wet. The tiny cover provided by one of those nearby store canopy thingies was of no help. He sighed as he shoved a hand through his soaking hair. The bus was scheduled to arrive five minutes ago, but it was late, probably because of the rain. Suddenly the feeling of drops hitting his head stopped. Mark looked around for the source and saw a smol man standing next to him. A grin stretched across the stranger's face as he hoisted a colorful umbrella above Mark's head. I guess I don't need a nursery rhyme.
"You looked like you needed it more than me," said the stranger. His words were lilted slightly with an evident Irish accent.
"O-oh thanks," Mark stuttered. He gratefully accepted the umbrella handle. The rain pattered down on the mystery man's hair as he held out his hand to Mark.
"My name's Sean, but most people call me Jack." Mark took the offered hand. His own meaty one almost entirely engulfed Jack's hand.
"I'm Mark, but most people call me the king of squirrels."
"King of squirrels, huh?" chuckled Jack, "Sounds like there's a story behind that name."
"Nah, I just really liked squirrels as a kid."
Mark noticed the other man was almost as soaked as him. He stepped closer, placing the umbrella right in between them so half his body and half of Jack was protected. Trying to ignore the fact they were literally a centimeter apart, Mark tried to think of small talk topics.
"So, where are you going?"
"I'm meeting up with a friend for lunch."
"Ah. Date with your girlfriend?"
"No, I don't have one."
"Boyfriend then?" tried Mark. He wanted to see how Jack would respond to the question more than his answer.
"No, don't have one of those either, but I'm looking." With the end of this sentence Jack looked up at Mark. The Irishman had on a smile that would've made the Cheshire Cat proud. A bus rumbled up along the sidewalk prevented Mark from having to respond to the statement. He went to climb into the bus, but paused when he noticed Jack wasn't following him.
"You coming?" Jack shook his head.
"I'm taking line 7," he explained.
"Then you should take this back." Mark tried to shove the umbrella back to its owner, but Jack refused to take it.
"No, no. You can keep it. I'll be okay standing in the rain. I'm an Irishman you know!" Jack posed dramatically. He looked ridiculous, his clothes soaked completely through.Mark laughed.
"At least give me an address I can return this to," he asked. Jack seemed to debate with himself before responding.
"The apartment building on 596 brown street. Ring for 4B." Mark nodded then stepped onto the bus, snapping the umbrella shut. He passed by the irritated bus driver, and sleepy passengers. Sitting down in an open seat, Mark engraved the address into his memory.

To Be Continued (probably)
I can't believe it you guys! Over 200 votes and 3K views?! You guys are the best!

To Be Continued (probably)~~~~~I can't believe it you guys! Over 200 votes and 3K views?! You guys are the best!

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Love you guys.

Alright leaving now, bai.

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