Are you fucking sorry?!

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Not for the first time in his life, Jack cursed his instinctive nature. He could feel the on coming cringe as he lay in the grass on his school's soccer field. Although he's didn't exactly remember everything, he was pretty sure this was the exact spot he'd accidentally kicked the goalie.
The ball was up in the air, Jack was in the perfect position to make the goal. He raised his foot, then with all his force, he went for the kick. Wham! His foot made contact, but not with the ball, with the goalie's chest. Jack's eyes widened and he stretched out a hand towards the injuried goalie. What poured out of his mouth surprised even Jack himself.
"I'm such an idiot," Jack groaned, burying his face in his hands. He hadn't been trying to be rude, he'd just messed up his words. His mouth had wanted to say, "I'm so fucking sorry", while his brain had wanted to say, "Are you okay?" Somehow the two had mashed together and out spilled,
"Are you fucking sorry?"
The hurt look on the goalie had made Jack want to go die in a hole. And to make it worse, the guy had been ushered off the field before Jack could apologize. He probably thinks I'm an asshole, Jack thought, Let's hope I never see his again or it'll be awkward. Sprawled out on the grass, he began to get up when he noticed, sitting on the bleachers beside the field, was the goalie he'd hurt. Aww shit! What do I do? Jack began to panic. Why's he here? I've got to apologize to him now don't I? Why's he staring at me? Do something Jack! Awkwardly, he raised his hand and gave a small wave. The goalie waved back. Wtf are you doing Jack? Go over there and find out what he wants! Jack took a deep breath then began walking over to the bleachers. His school, standing behind the bleachers, seemed to loom over him the closer he got to the bleachers.
"Heyyyyy," Jack climbed his way over to where the guy was standing. "Sorry about earlier today, I got my words all mixed up and I didn't mean to say that. I was trying to say I'm sorry but at the same time I was going to say are you okay and the two mixed together to create a horrifying child." Jack cut his rambling off. Oh god, I'm probably scaring him away. To his surprise the goalie laughed.
"Yeah I suspected it was something like that." The boy's voice was so deep. It was obvious he had gotten the puberty perks while Jackiboy was still struggling with his own body. Tugging a hand through his hair, the goalie smiled at Jack.
"Sit down, you look so stiff standing there." He patted the area next to him.
"O-okay then." Jack sat on the cold bleacher. "Oh! I forgot to ask, were you okay after that kick?" The goalie winced and brought a hand to his stomach at the memory.
"I'm fine. The nurse didn't do much, just handed me an ice pack and patted me on the back. You packs surprising powerful kick for such a small person," he said changing the topic
"Hey! I'm not small, I'm fun-sized," protested Jack. The guy laughed again and this Jack laughed with him. From behind them both someone banged a door open.
"Hey Mark! I've been looking for you for, like, forever!"
With even turning to see who it was, Mark yelled back, "Shut up, Wade!"
"I'm sorry, but I've got to go," apologized the goalie to Jack, "See you tomorrow? Same place, same time?"
"Um, yeah okay," Jack agreed weakly. What just happened? I thought I was going to get yelled at, not make a friend. Looking at Mark's retreating back, a stray thought appeared. At least he's hot.
Prompt gotten off of Google Images somewhere, I don't remember and I'm too lazy to find out. I need some sleep though I didn't go to bed last night until 5 in the morning because I was with my friends. It was worth it though.

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