To Borrow a Pencil

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Jack stared at the sheet placed on his desk, daring it to disappear, wishing it would. His teeth gnawed at the pencil in his hand. The math problem taunted him, laughed at him with a made-up voice. Jack narrowed his eyes, and bit down, hard. Snap!
"Aw fuck!" Tiny splinters joined the worksheet on his desk. A teacher close by shot Jack a harsh look.
"Language, Mr. McLoughlin!" She warned, then turned back to scolding another poor kid for doodling all over his worksheet. Jack sighed and looked down at the broken pencil. Suddenly from behind him, he heard a timid voice,
"Hey, I have a pencil if you need one," Jack turned around. There sat the grade's hot nerd, Mark Fischbach. You know that guy that, against all odds, was smart and cute. He was famous for winning the school, state and national level geography bees. Well, not really famous, just well-known throughout the school, but that was as famous as a teenager could get besides becoming an actor or model. Which he probably could be with his looks. Stop fangirling over him, Jack, he mentally hissed at himself, you might be gay, but it doesn't mean he is too.
"Um, are you okay? Does your stomach hurt? I'm sure the teacher would let you go to the nurse if you ask," Jack brief focus was crushed by Mark's voice which omg was so manly and so deep and so pretty and nope, nope, stop it, concentrate! He tried to distract himself in something else by joking.
"I don't think going to the nurse is going to the help. The most help I'll get is an ice pack and pat on my head." Mark snorted, a wonderful sound to Jack's ears.
A goofy smile spread across his face, but it quickly flipped when a voice screeched, "Mr. McLoughlin, Mr. Fischbach, get back to work!" The teacher was back again along with her piercing stare.
"I'm sorry Mrs. Haler, I was just lending Jack a pencil, his broke." Mark used his most innocent expression and pointed at the shattered writing utensil on Jack's desk. Jack was almost started by the sight, he'd forgotten about it. Even the fierce Mrs. Healer couldn't stay mad at Mark, her expression softened and she bobbed her head. Her voice was less tense as she said, "It's nice to see a student helping out another these days, but lending a pencil shouldn't take such a long conversation."
Mark nodded eagerly and the teacher turned away. He finally offered Jack a pencil.
"Here- wait," he paused, took it back, scribbled something on the yellow covering of the pencil then handed it to Jack.
"You"re cute," he winked, "Call me." Jack's heart thumped as he turned back to his own worksheet, still blank by the way. He looked down at his newly gained pencil, and newly gained phone number. His grin was enormous and he couldn't stop the fluttering sensation in his chest.
"Good thing I didn't tell him I have a pack of these in my backpack."

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