PAX Proposal Aftermath

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If you don't know what the PAX panel proposal is, go search up "Mark and Jack proposal". It's not essential to the story that you watch it, it's just adorable.
Mark stood outside in the dark, leaning against the hotel wall. Words rang through his head as he stared up at twinkling stars. He'd been too restless to sleep and come outside to take a breather. Mark couldn't stop thinking about what Jack had said earlier in PAX Prime. His proposal. Mentally, Mark replayed the moment over and over, not wanting to forget a single moment of it. He knew Jack had only been acting, but it was the closest to a real proposal that he would ever get from his crush. Why didn't I say yes? Mark thought as he shoved his hands into his pockets. What would've happened if I did? Would he have kissed- no don't think of that. He's only your friend. Mark shook his head, trying to erase the thoughts. As he sighed, the sound of footsteps came tapping towards him.
"Hey, Mark. What are you doing out here?" A familiar Irish accent called out. Oh great, it's Jack. Act normal!
"I couldn't sleep. I came out to get some fresh air," replied the American, pushing his feelings to the back of his brain.
"Same here," Jack said and relaxed against the wall, right next to Mark. Suddenly he turned his head.
"Hey, if I tell you something do you promise not to be disgusted or laugh?" mumbled the Irishman. Mark's eyes widened as he quickly nodded.
"I would never laugh or be disgusted by anything you say! You can tell me whatever you want!"
"Ah, alright then," Jack said reluctantly, "You know how during the panel I, well, I "proposed" to you? I might've been acting, but I've sort of wanted to ask you that in real life. What I'm trying to say is, is that I really like you Mark." Shocked, Mark couldn't come up with a reply. He pinched his arm to make sure that he wasn't dreaming.
When Jack didn't hear a anything from Mark, he quickly said, "It's fine if you don't like me the same way, but I just wanted to get it out. I hope we can still be friends?" To his surprise, instead of backing away in disgust, Mark wrapped him up in a bear hug.
"Like I said, I would never be disgust by you and the thing is," the Asian-American murmured into Jack's shoulder, "I like you too." He pulled back before pressing his lips to Jack's. They were soft and warm and everything Mark had dreamed of. To his surprise, Jack didn't yank away and instead wrapped his arms around Mark's neck, pulling him closer.
"What was that?" Jack breathlessly asked once they separated.
"I don't know, but do you want do it again?" The Irishman nodded before once again pulling his friend down.

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