Graveyard Disscusion

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Brown leaves whipped through the the air, a few landing on a young man's hair. Jack ignored the leaves as he stood under the tree.
"Hey, Mark," the man's voice was surprisingly quiet when he spoke, unlike his usual tone, "I've been pretty busy the past week. Haven't got the chance since now to stop by." He took a shuddering breath before he continued, "Tom an' the others just flew back yesterday, I went with 'em to the airport. They're still broken up 'bout it, but I think they'll be fine. Same with Ryan an' Matt. I think they're moving. Not enough people ta pay the rent ya know. My own flight's tomorrow. I just wanted ta see you one last time before I left." He took a deep breath before continuing, "Ya know, there was somethin' I was going to tell you, that I've been meanin' ta tell you. But now since you- you probably can't hear me, I won't." The false smile plastered on his face broke down.
"But I'll make a deal with you. You give me a sign, any sign, that you're still here and listening, I'll tell you." Jack hesitantly looked around, but disappointedly pulled his cap over his eyes when nothing happened. The leaves continued to fall, the breeze continued to blow, the world continued to spin.
"Must look insane," he muttered, "talking to a stone," He hunched his shoulders against the breeze and turned to talk to his deceased friend one last time.
"Bye Mark. It's been fun." His voice broke as tears rolled down his cheeks. Jack gave a final weak smile then turned and slipped away. A day later, an airplane took off, headed to Ireland, slowly but steadily, carrying a famous youtuber away from his best friend's grave.

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