Chapter 1

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"Kate, you are sure that you want me, to take care of you? Sure not your dad?" Rick asked, and I laughed.

"Rick. A hundred times. When my dad, and I. Are in a cabin, just a small place. That's not good. And how can I survive without my best friend? Without the guy, who saved my life before. Huh?"

"I didn't save you! The doctors did." He blushed.

"Rick, don't be ridiculous. You did. Because when you didn't tackle me, I was probably dead. And now? I am on this bed, talking to you. And I am so thankful, for every time you saved me."

"I saved you a lot, I know. But mostly you saved yourself Kate. I swear, you are incredible." Now I blushed.


"No buts Kate. I don't want you to feel different." I nodded. "You just have to relax. Don't worry about me. I will be fine."

"I will relax, but you have to force me to." I chuckled. Why was I so in love with him? He is incredibly amazing! And I didn't want to tell him, that I all knows it. He would be upset? Nah. I don't know. But I couldn't say it. Yet.

"When the nurse have checked you, we can go." I snapped back to reality.

"Uh yeah." I didn't know what he really said, I just answered. Oh, what if he asked something, shame. Or so? Ew...

"You okay?"

"Just daydreaming. Nothing wrong."

"Okay, well I collected some clothes like you asked yesterday."

"So sweet. Thanks." I blushed, and he must see that. Because he smiled. Wide.

Some hours passed by, and a nurse checked me a few times. She told me I could go home, and take as much rest as I needed. We drove immediately to the Cabin as soon as we left the hospital. We did some grocery shopping on our way to the cabin. As soon as we arrived, Rick took everything out the car. He refused to let me do something. That was pretty cute, but I couldn't stand it either. I can't do nothing. That is my bad side, like sitting still. Nope. Not made for me.

"Rick! Let me help! I am not an invalid!" I said, and he shook his head.

"Sit down. Take that rest Kate." He ordered, pointing on the couch. But I didn't walk to it. I just stood there, with crossed arms, looking at him. "If you want me to drag you to there, you just have to say that." He chuckled. But I didn't want to sit down. And seeing him doing everything! "Oh I see. You're feeling bad when I do everything. Don't you?" He said, looking me straight in the eye.

"Yes. Yes, I do feel bad! It's not my thing to do nothing. I am always busy. Like in, always. Rick, you know that! Maybe just a walk helps? Should we take a walk through the forest, and then pick nicking at the beach? That fresh my mind too."

"You know, that sounds pretty cute." Okay, he called it cute! Waitt?! He called it cute! Yay! Good sign! "I will pack some snacks and drinks, if you will look for a blanket or something. And maybe swimming clothes." I blushed. He wanted me in swimming clothes!

"If you take your swimming clothes too." I said, and he smiled.

"Ofcourse I will!"

"I will take the the blanket and I will take my swimming clothes on." I said, and smiled. I walked away, and collected the things we needed. I was blushing, so hard. That I felt like an tomato.

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