Chapter 3

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We parted, and his beautiful eyes. They stared in mine. He was so beautiful! Everything about him.

"Does that mean we are? Uhm... Dating?" Rick asked, holding my hand tight.

"I would say so, well. I would love too, only if you agree."

"You don't know, how long I wanted this Kate! You don't know!"

"Well, now I do." I smiled. So did he.

"You, lay back down. Relax. And prepare yourself for what's coming. I am going to cool off." He kissed me, again. And then he ran to the water, but instead of laying down. And preparing me on the cold water. I watched him. He was so cute! He was a grown up, but still cute. He swims around, so I decided to lay back down. Enjoying the hot sun, on my body. I suddenly fall asleep. Like I didn't have enough sleep.

After a couple minutes, I woke up. It felt so cold, and it was dark. I slowly opened my eyes, I found Rick there. It wasn't dark, he was on top of me. And in my sun, and he was cold. I expected heat, but he was cold. Probably the water.

"Had a nice nap?" He smirked.

"Yes, and why are you smirking?"

"Oh, just. Nah, nothing."

"Tell me babe!" I tried to sot straight. But he gently pushed me back to the blanket.

"No. There is nothing Kate." He said, leaned forward, and kissed my neck. Sweet. Gentle. Damn, he haves everything! When he reached my sensitive spot, I softly moaned. He smiled, I could feel that against my skin. And he lowered the kiss. When he reached my scar, he hesitated. I know he was a little scared, but I was fine with it. Like he could read my mind, he kissed it gently. And Boom! Some heat rushed through my body. Holy Shite! It all felt so good! He lowered the kiss again, to my stomach. But I had to stop him. We where not, well. I wasn't. We weren't going to do, things, on the beach. Not now. What? No! Never. We have a bed for that! 'Jeez Kate! Focus!'

"Rick..... We can't..... Do it....... Here....." I said between my breath. He stopped and looked up, he agreed. Somehow.

"Yeah, you're right. And when you're not ready. Just tell me!"

"Whaat?! I am really ready, but not that comfortable on the beach."

"Then. Take your clothes on, and then we can collect the things. And head back to the cabin?"

"Mh, sounds like a plan. But I want a kiss first." Like I asked, I got. He kissed me, and then climbed off me. I sat up, and took my clothes back on.

When we arrived back at the cabin, the first I did was cleaning the things we took to the beach. Rick was hanging off the wet clothes and towels on. Soon I felt arms wrapping around me from behind. I smiled, and leaned my head back. And again, his sweet kisses reached my neck. His soft lips touching my skin.

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