Chapter 18

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"Dad! There is a call for you." Alexis came into my bedroom. I had take a nap. I sat up, and she handed me the phone. "I don't know who it is. But he asked your name."

"Thanks Pumpkin." I took the phone, and she sat down in the edge of the bed. "Castle?"

"Hello Mr. Castle. This is Doctor Steven. I am calling because of Katherine Beckett. She came out of surgery just 5 minutes ago. And I can tell, she is very strong."

"Well, she really is. I could tell you before she got in surgery. But Doctor. How is she doing?"

"She is completely fine. She survived. And the tumor is almost out, just a little spot. We can take that out in a week. Mr. Castle, I bet you're really happy to hear this."

"Oh Doc. You don't know what's rushing through my brain!"

"You can come visit her by now. She will be up in a few hours. And I guess she wants to see you at her side."

"I will be on my way! And, thank you Doctor."

"No need for. She had been fighting for her life all the way. It's because of you." I chuckled. "See you in a few? Then I can update you completely."

"See you in a few!" I said happily, and hung up.

"So? Where's that smile for?" Alexis asked.

"Kate. She is out. And completely fine! They almost took it out. Like in everything."

"DAD!? Ya serious?!"

"No...." She looked at me. Confused. "OF COURSE I AM SERIOUS!" I jumped up, and grabbed her hand. Pulling her into the living room. "And you are going with me to meet her!"

"Whoaaaa! What about Grans?"

"She is in her "Theatre" I will call her." She nodded. And we headed out. To meet Kate.

At the hospital, Doctor Steven waited for them to arrive. He informed us about her situation. And how she could react. And it was a better idea to take it real slow. Not ask questions that much. Just ask some, not overloading of questions. The doctor led us to her room. Where she was peacefully sleeping. Kinda sleeping beauty. Crossed arms. And a little smile on her lips.

"You can sit and wait next to her bed. If you want." Doctor Steven said.

"I want to, and if she's up. I will call you back in here."

"Deal Mr Castle. And remember. Slowly."

"Copied that!" Doctor Steven laughed, and so did I. He left us, and Alexis was already sitting on a chair next to her bed. Stroking Kate's hand. I walked up to her, and laid my hand on Alexis' shoulder. And she looked at me, smiling. Alexis leaned against me, I bet she was happy. I was too. Happiest man alive? More then that.

A couple of hours later, there was a sign of Life at Kate's bare body. She squeezed my hand softly. She moved slowly. And her eyes got open. Very slowly. Se looked right into my eyes. And she began to smile. She realized she was alive. And I was thankful. More then ever.

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