Chapter 8

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Martha and Alexis has left, they needed to go shopping. So Rick and I decided to make ourselves some lunch. I got something I'd never heard of before. S'morelettes. A combination of S'mores and Omelettes. Okay?

"I hope you like them. Because it's kinda a family thing." Rick said, and gave me a plate with a S'morelette.

"Yeah. I hope it too. Because the combination of it is really strange." I chuckled.

"Just taste it!" As he ordered, I did. And damn, it was delicious! Oh my! The combination of it. It was just great.

"Castle, It's so good!" I said, and smiled.

"Then that's really good!" He smiled, and took his own.

When we finished dinner, we washed up together. We played with the soap, and well. We didn't wash up really. I smashed some soap into Rick's face. Causing him to scream a little.

"You bastard!" He laughed, and I ran around the kitchen counter. He just took the soap off of his face. "And I thought I was childish? Well, meet Kate Beckett!" I laughed, and slowly made my way back to him. And he smashed soap in my face.

"AH!! RICK!!" I screamed in laughter. And wiped it away. "Okay, touché! And now we need to stop being childish, and just wash up. Then we have plenty time for ourselves." I said, and looked at him.

"Ohh, dirty thoughts!"

"Well. Who will ever know?" I smirked, and slapped him playfully. We continued to wash up. But well I know Rick. He didn't stop playing at all.

After 30 minutes spending on washing up, what could be 10 minutes, we finally popped on the couch. I felt relieved. Because Rick is not funny with soap. Or something where he could play with! He turned on the tv, and got us a blanket. Since his mom and Alexis where a night out. We could spend a night together. And hell, I have some plans!

"So? What are we gonna watch." He asked.

"Mh, a movie? Or more Tv? What do you like more?"

"Well, the problem is. I like both."

"Yeah. Me too. So that's gonna be a problem."

"A very, very big one!" He said, looking over at me. And I chuckled.

"We can just zap? And then see what we like?"

"We can always try." He said, and started to zap around. We didn't end anywhere. Just zapping. We ended on a death end. Just where we started. "I think it's not gonna happen that we find something."

"No.... Not really." I bit my lower lip. Waiting to set my next move.

"We can pick a movie?"

"Or we can try something different." I said, and trowed the blanket away. And climbed onto his lap. He just looked confused to me, not knowing what I did. Good!

"Mh, like what?"

"Like this." I said, kissing him deeply. And I felt his manhood getting harder. I lowered my kiss, to his neck. And he moaned slightly against my skin. I smiled, and he grabbed my hips.

"Kate- you sure?" He breathed heavily.

"About what?" I looked up at him.

"You told me- you where virgin."

"I want you. I want you to be my first. And my very last. And hell I am sure."

"You really are?"

"Rick. Believe me! I am!"

"Okay!" He then started on my shirt. He unbuttoned it, slowly. I started on his, but my lips didn't leave his. Not just a second. When we both had our shirts on the ground. He started on my zipper, and tried to get my jeans off.

We where to busy, that we didn't hear the door opening. I was still onto Rick. And we had our lips together but when someone cleared their throats. Rick kinda trow me away. Causing me to fall on the ground, and my head hitting the ground.

"Oh My God! Mother?!" Ruck yelled. And looked at his mom.

"Richard. You just trowed your girlfriend on the ground. Help her up. And don't bother about me." He looked at me, and I had my hand on my head.

"Okay. Yeah right." He got off the couch, and helped me, giving me my shirt back. "Does it hurt?"

"I just hit my head on the ground. It's okay." I said, and my hand didn't leave my head. Alexis gave him a cold cloth, and he placed it on my head.

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