Chapter 10

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Once Alexis and I where talked out, she got sneaky away. I shut my mouth, but Castle saw her sneaking out. He started yelling at her, and Alexis didn't mind to yell back.

"Who do you think you are?! A police man!! I HAVE DAMN RIGHTS TO JUST GO!" Alexis yelled.

"Oh. Of course all rights.. And then get raped again? Pregnant again? Alexis! You know I don't want you to be sad or something like that. But still! You're not going."

"FUCK YOU! I AM GOING WHEREVER I WANT, AND WHENEVER I GO!" Okay. I am done listening. So I jumped up from the bed, and ran into the living room.

"HEY!" I screamed, and both looked at me. "Stop!"

"Kate. It's some...."

"Yes it is Castle. But Alexis came to me to talk too. Because you where angry at her. I understand you. But let her go. Both of you are adults. Talk with each other, as Adults please!" They kept quiet. Because I was damn right!

"Maybe she's right." Castle said, and Alexis agreed. "You can go. We will talk by later." Alexis then kissed Castle's cheek. And went out. "I am sorry that our screaming woke you up."

"I was all up before you started yelling at her. And please, give her trust. She did nothing wrong. Did she?"

"No. She didn't." He looked down. I walked to him, and laid my hand on his cheek. "Why Kate? Why are you so wise? In everything you do."

"Because I was feeding up like that. I know what's right, or wrong." He looked into my eyes.

"Thank you."

"For what? I did nothing!" I chuckled.

"Yes you did."

"What did I do?"

"Making me love again. Love in a total different way. That you accept me. I thank you for so much, I can't even describe for what I want to thank you for!" He made me smile. In so many ways. I really was in love with him.

"Making you love again? You fall in love with me from the first day we met. Ans why again? I thought you'd never stoppped."

"True. I never stopped. But I meaned that you made me fall in love the way I never had, well. That I had a long, long time ago. I am very thankful for that."

"I bet you never stopped. And well, we're standing like this here. So, then I can say something that's bothering me, for a long time. And I was scared to tell you."

"Then tell me now. I know you can Kate."

"I know, and I loved you. From the very first moment we met. You where my favourite author. And when I arrested you, I kept myself from flipping out. Because hell! You are Richard Castle! And I still love you, I still love your books. I still love-" He shut me, by kissing me gently. It turned more sweeter. To passionate. And the next I knew, we where laying in bed. My head resting on his chest. My head still hurts, but his kisses made it more okay to handle. Still not full. But it was okay.

This is damn boring. I don't know why I wrote this....
Leave me ideas, because I am out of ideas. Well I have one. A terrible/evil one. What I am not telling. But leave me ideas. I am really out of them, ohhh and leave your opinion for this chapter, because I think it's boring. Tell me what you think. X

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