Chapter 20

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"You know Castle, the time I was out. I couldn't stop thinking about you." I said when we entered the loft. I missed this place. It was big, feeling like home. It had everything you ever wanted.

"You don't want to know how less sleep I had." Castle closed the door behind him, and took my jacket off.

"Then don''t tell me."

"Katherine! Darling!" When a redhead met the floor, she ran to us. In my arms, hugging me tight. "How are you Darling?"

"I feel fine, I am doing fine. Like nothing really happened." I answered her.

"I prayed, every day. I couldn't loose you. Well, not me. But Richard, I never thought Richard woud find someone like you." She pulled away, and looked at me. With that smile Rick had inherited form her. "You treat him like how he is, you're not trying to change him. And I see he really cares about you." I smiled, she sweetly smiled back at me. "But remember darling, Life is not a Fairytail. You have to fight hard for the things you want." I looked confused at her, why was she telling me this. "Oh darling, this wasn't mesn to confuse you. I mean that if you want something, or need something, we're always here for you."

"Uh.. I know you will always be, Rick told me that like a hundred times. And maybe even more times today. I was out, and the first thing he said was that he always would be here, and he would never left me on my own." I looked over my shoulder to the man who was behind me, he was blushing. And smiling wide.

"Well, darlings. Go spend time together, you two have some catching up to do!" Martha gave me one last hug, and disappeared out the door. I turned around, seeing Rick smilimg non stop.

"Your mom is a real sweetheart."

"Well, until you spend life long with her. Then she might be an irritated, selfi-" The door opened and Martha came back in.

"Forgot my purse." She took her purse, and Castle turned red like a tomato. "Richard? Why are you blushing?"

"Nothing. Have a great day mother!"

"Ta-ta" And Martha left again.

"I don't think it's safe to continue." I laughed when he said that. "Want something to eat? Because I am starving." Castle headed off to the kitchen, to make himself something to eat.

"I like something to drink if that isn't a problem. Because, I am not hungry at all." I walked after him to the kitchen, and sat down on one of the barstools.

"How can't you not be hungry? After an operation, I was always hungry."

"What didn't you tell me? After an operation?" I folded my arms, and he looked down like he didn't do anything wrong. "Rick! Come on, you're not scared for your girlfried aren't you?"

"No, not at all."

"Then tell her."

"This is gonna be so embarrassing...." I still waited for him to start talking. "

"I was nine, just little boy who ever played in the woods. Climb trees, hunt ducks from the pond, do mischief. However, you can invent it. But one day I went so with a friend to the forest, but it was not very nice out ..."

"I bet!" I laughed.

"My friend and I had found a boat on the pond, not knowing that he was a leak. We looked into it, there was a man. We put on the side, and walked away with the boat. Eventually, the boat is going to sink, and my friend and I could not really swim or something. So, my friend is drowned that day, and I .. I'm still here. I ended up in the hospital, I did not even know what had happened. What I knew was, my mother cried on my bed .. She told me what had happened, but at that time I did not understand that." I looked at him, my laugh disappeared completely. Where the hell was this going. "That man had laid on the hand, has managed to get me out of the water. And did things with me, of which I just do not even know how that would have been gone. I have scars, on the spot where he cut me, and what he has done. "

"Castle, I'm sorry. I'm sorry I laughed, it was not meant to be. I did not think you'd say. Sorry."

"It's okay. But they still didn't take the guy, he is a rapist. What if he will get other kids of the age of 9? I can never forgive myself that."

"How'd you know he is a rapist? What aren't you telling me Castle?" He looked down, again. "If you tell me, I can get him. Well, Ryan and Espo will get him. As soon as possible." He looked up, and told me the whole story. He was as shocked as I was. I never would think that this would happen .. That poor boy, what would he have thought back then? He was only 9 years old, he'd never would think of something like this..

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