Chapter 13

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*Kate's Pov-*
I fall asleep again. But it seems to cole back. I remembered one thing. And it was a terrible one. Josh, who abused me...

"Get off me!" I screamed. But nothing really helped. I tried to fight back. But he was too strong. He slapped me in the face, and I realized I was screwed. I couldn't go away.

"Oh poor baby. You will never get away. I love you too much." He said. Stroking my face.

"Why are you abusing me then? Huh?" Kate! Stop! Don't be the badass. When you do. You're totally fucked.

"I don't abuse you, I am just playing." His hand traveled down. To my stomach. Down my jeans. He pulled down the zipper. I was scared. What was he doing, what was going on?! He pulled my jeans down, and I felt shivers where going down my body.  I couldn't do anything. I was frozen. I let him do it. He reached my panties. He got inside. And I felt my body froze even more. He got inside of me, and I gasped.

"Josh.. Please stop. I will do everything you want. But please stop!" It didn't help. It made him more happier. Seeing me in pain. He was rough. Very. He hold me tight to the bed, and his hand making his way inside of me. He hurts me. He was being himself. "Please! Stop!" I cried. It was painful.

I shocked awake. I felt tears rolling down my face, and I saw someone sleeping next to me. I think I didn't really know him. Oh no. No no no! Please don't let it be Josh. I started crying again.

"Kate! Kate! It's okay. Hey! Look at me! Kate!" Now I knew it. Rick. I looked up, and he hugged me. "It's okay babe. It's okay."

"Rick. I do remember a thing." I sobbed, and he looked at me.

"Tell me. What do you remember."

"Josh." I wiped my tears away. "I remembered him, abusing me."

"Oh. No other things?"

"I guess I only remember you. And him."

"We will get you out of this!"

"How am I supposed to-" I stopped talking. And I started to breath weird.

"Kate! Kate what's going on!? Kate!" I slowly drifted away.

"Doctor.... Now..." Was all I could say. And I went black.

*Rick's Pov-*
I waited so long. It felt like days. But it where only 4 hours. It was long. Doctors walking all around me. No one calling my name.

"Mr Castle?" A doctor said. And I stood up.

"That's me."

"Uh, I have some news. Why she passed out." I nodded. "Her lungs where filled with water. Completely. We are trying to get it out, but it's really hard. And we are examining her body, for something else."

"Is she going to be okay?"

"We don't know yet. But we found something, that might be really important for you to know. She is having a very bad tumor. In her brain. She has a very bad braincancer, we will try to get out. But for now it seems that she only have 9 months to live." I shocked. How could that happen? What went wrong?!

"Oh my... I-I... 9 months?"

"I am really sorry. We will take any risks to take it out. But with no guarantees that she will live normally. I will keep you in the loop, but please go home. Tell her family, tell yours. And friends. I will call when we have something new."

"I will. And please make sure she is gonna be okay for a little longer." I asked and she just nodded.

"Go home Mr Castle."

"I will. Please keep me in the loop!"

"I will." I nodded and thanked her. And she walked away. I took a deep breath, and headed off home.

I walked into my big, empty loft. Without Kate, everything seems so big. So empty. I was all alone, well no. Alexis and mother where sleeping. I think. I heard footsteps, but I ignored them.

"Dad?" Alexis came down, in her pyjamas.

"Hey pumpkin. Doesn't you have to sleep?"

"I was wondering who was here. Because I heard the door unlocking."

"Right, but go back to sleep. I will update you tomorrow morning." I said, and kissed her head. She walked to the kitchen and took a glass of water.

"Sleepwell dad."

"Sleepwell pumpkin." I said, and she walked back upstairs. I went to the kitchen to take something to drink, and got to my office. I took the photo that Kate and I took. She was so cute on it. I miss her being around. I want her to be like the photo. Nothing that was wrong. Just her. Being herself. Being happy.

As I stopped staring at the picture. I went to bed. I couldn't sleep fast. But I fall asleep. I woke up several times to check my phone. Nothing. Please let her be okay...

Sorry. Sorry. Sorry....
I stole the idea from BecauseOfUsAlways about Kate. But sorry. I don't really like it either, but that means a real adventure 😱🙈
Sorry. Sorry. Sorry....

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