The wedding

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This story will not have many chapters. Maximum 8 chapters, because I don't want to make it lengthy. I'm writing this for those who had requested. Hope it's up to your expectations.

Liana's POV

"Oh my god. I'm so nervous" I said stamping my feet. It was our, Harry and my wedding today and i'm super duper nervous.

"babe calm down. Harry will always love you, okay" Eleanor said rubbing my back.

"El I know he'll love me, but it's my wedding. Everyone are nervous during weddings" I said.

She giggled and helped me put my veil on my hair. "You look beautiful. Harry's gonna stare at you during the whole wedding" she said giggling looking at me. She turned me towards the mirror and I couldn't recognize myself.

Earlier I had gone shopping with Anne, my soon to be mother in law and Gemma, my sister in law and they had picked out a gown for me. It was beautiful.

I actually looked really beautiful. It was a simple white flowing gown and I had paired it up with black stilletoes and crimson red lipstick. The white veil covered my entire face and went flowing on the floor, because if it's length.

"OMG! You! Look! So! Beautiful!" Ishita said jumping out of nowhere. The way she exclaimed every word made me giggle.

"Aww Harry's gonna be dead seeing you" Ishita said pulling my cheeks. "ow" I groaned rubbing them.

"Are you done ladies?" Lima bean said coming inside the room. He was walking me down the aisle as he was like a brother.

"Yess! We're absolutely done!" Sophia said checking me one last time.

"Okay then. Shall we?" he said putting his hand forward for me to take it.

"yes we shall" I said and took his hand. "you look beautiful by the way" Liam said winking at me. I spat his arm playfully.

As we neared the church it felt like my heart would come out any second. The doors opened reveling Harry in a black tux. His hair was perfectly scattered. He looked dashing.

He stood at the end of the place along with the other lads and also the priest. Niall grinned at me and motioned a nervous Harry towards me.

He turned to see me and his jaw dropped immediately. I chuckled as well as the others present there. And Niall gave his famous Horan laugh.

We reached him and Liam whispered loud enough to Harry for me to hear "Take care of my baby sister, eh".

I smiled at him before he went and sat down. Harry squeezed my hand and I smiled at him shyly.

"We have all gathered here for the holy union of two souls. Please take your seats so that they can pronounce there vows" the priest said.

We exchanged our couple rings and The priest continued "Do you Ms. Liana Grace, take Mr. Harry Edward Styles as your lawfully wedded husband till death tears you apart?"

I looked at Harry once before replying "I do".

"and do you Mr. Harry Edward Styles, take Ms. Liana Grace as your lawfully wedded wife and promise to protect her from all danger?"

"I do" Harry replied.

"I hereby pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss your bride" the priest finished.

Harry opened my veil and leaned for a kiss. I could hear whistling noises. It must surely be the boys.

It was our wedding party going on when Anne came up to me and hugged me. "I'm so happy. My son is finally married" she said wiping her happy tears. Harry hugged her. Then Gemma came to greet us. We both had become really close within these days and it was fun with her.

Then came the lads grinning. "Congrats man" they fist pumped and bro hugged. They hugged me and whispered "we have a surprise for you guys".

"What!!??? " I said getting excited. They took out two tickets to Paris and gifted it for our honeymoon.

"OMG Paris??" I jumped and hugged them. "thank you so much!" I thanked them.

"It's a city of love so go around for sight seeing also. Don't just waste your entire time on bed" they said and I flushed red.

Soon it was the day we're leaving for Paris. "Have fun!" El winked at me. I widened my eyes hearing her.

"El very bad. I didn't expect this from you" I said shaking my head.
"What??? You guys are married now and can do anything. It's not like it's a crime" she said turning serious.

"No" I chuckled and ran after her with a pillow. "What no? You guys can do it. We don't min... " she said but was cut off by Harry and both of us stopped running seeing him.

"What can we do?" Harry asked coming in and kissing my forehead.

I turned tomato red when he said that. Shit! I just hope he didn't hear from the beginning.

El pursed her lips to stop her laugh and I gave her a death stare.
"No Harry we were talking about you guys. I told her that you guys can... " she started but I continued the rest on her behalf "go visit many places in Paris".

"yeah we can. Unless" he said with a grin. "unless what?" I asked. "unless you have something else in mind" he said.

"HARRY!!!" I yelled and spat his bum with the pillow I was carrying. "Can you guys please stop teasing me?" I said holding my hips.

"yeah of course we can wifey" he said and picked me up carrying me towards the room where everyone were.

"Ahhh.... Put me down!" i said trying to wriggle out of his hold. The lads started laughing seeing us.

We were leaving for the airport now. And the lads came to see us off "don't make too many babies!" they yelled. Harry blushed and I facepalmed. Their teasing can never stop. I'll probably have to get used to it now.

First chapie of 'Our baby girl' done! Hope you liked it.

The first one who votes gets a chapter dedicated. Thanks keep reading and voting ;)

Our Baby Girl (sequel to AOL)[COMPLETED] #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now