chapter 8

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Liana's POV

"Harry your tired, just take some rest okay? I'll send Darcy to play" I said. Darcy has been bugging Harry since he came.

"No I'll stay here with daddy" Darcy pouted. "Baby, daddy is tired. He needs to rest" I told her.

"Lia its okay. You both just stay here with me. I haven't seen you both for days. I don't want to stay away from you two anymore" Harry said tapping the place next to him on the bed.

I smiled and climbed next to him. He picked up Darcy and put on on his chest and she rested her head on his chest. He rapped an arms around me and we just lay there peacefully. My perfect family.

"Harry, let me go. I have a shoot" I said trying to get out of Harry's arms. "just 5 more minutes, please" he said pulling me again.

My phone started and I reached out for it. "Hello?" I said

"Lia? Where are you? The people are waiting for you to come" Jake said.

"Umm... Jake i'm so sorr-" I was about to say something but got cut by Harry "Jake why don't you leave my poor wife alone?"

"I'm so sorry Harry but I have no choice. Vogue is waiting for your wife, please let her go now" Jake said.

"Afff! Fine" Harry said and loosened his grip around me. "Sorry Hazz" I mouthed.

"It's okay" he replied smiling and kissed my forehead. "Go now otherwise Jake will blame me" he said.

"Okay okay!" I said getting up. I took a shower and changed into denim jeans and an off white vans top. I wore my black 5 inch stilletoes and kissed Harry and Darcy respectively on their cheeks and then walked out of the house.

The diver drove me to the Vogue studio and soon I was sitting inside the makeup room watching my stylist put on the make up on me.

My hair was straightened, makeup was neutral and I wore a black gown.

"Are you ready?" the photographer asked. I nodded and he gave me a thumbs up. I posed as I was told. (Picture of the photoshoot at the side).

After 2 continues hours of shoot I was given rest of half an hour and I went to my makeup room to find Meredith, my stylist.

"Hey honey. You did great" she said bringing a piece of cotton and rubbing the makeup off my face. "Thanks Mere" I said smiling and started sniffing into my phone. I wanted to know whether Darcy was okay and had her lunch or not. A mother after all. I wouldn't be satisfied until and unless I knew my baby was okay.

"How's Darcy?" Meredith asked. "She's great and now very happy as Harry is back" I said smiling remembering her excitement.

"Awww that's great. You must be very happy too, you were quite low yourself when Harry had gone for his tour" she said.

I nodded in reply smiling.

I dialled Harry's number and in seconds he picked up. "Hey babe" he replied in his sexy voice.

I tried to hide my blush but Mere gave me a wink. "Hey Harry. What are you and Darcy doing?" I said.

"Well we are getting ready as we're going to get Darce admitted to a school. I think that way she'll not get bored at home" he said.

"Wow that's great. I wish I was there too" I said. "Don't worry. After her admission we'll take her to school together" he assured.

"Okay carry on then. I have 3 more shoots and after that I'll come back. Don't miss me too much" I said grinning even though he couldn't see.

Our Baby Girl (sequel to AOL)[COMPLETED] #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now