Chapter 10

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48 hours since Darcy is missing. The cops started their investigation but hadn't caught hold of any evidence or tracings of her.

Lia had stopped talking to everyone. She just sat near the window, her gaze never leaving the tiny droplets falling from the sky. The situation was so ironical. Her eyes cried silently as well as the sky.

Harry roamed about with Ken, in search of his princess. He never returned home. He knew he had to stay strong but his heart broke every time his baby's face came in his memory.

It was like the charm of the house was lost. No one spoke to anyone. No one knew what to talk to the other. Everyone were drowning in the guilt that they had left Darcy alone.

Lia's gaze was disturbed by the sudden blaring of her phone.

She stared at the unknown number till she pressed the call button and held the phone near her ears. She just wished that who ever had called would give her details about her daughter's where bouts. Little did she know that something even more bad was to happen.

Eleanor's POV

I sat on the couch with Dan sleeping with his head on my lap. "Mommy" Dan called. "Yes baby" I asked looking at him.

"Is Darcy not coming back?" he asked. His tiny curious eyes staring straight into my soul for his answer.

"She will come back Dan. She will come back, really soon" I told him not finding anything else to say. I just hoped that he was satisfied with the answer.

He nodded his little head and squirmed closer to me. I sighed and looked out at the dull sky outside. It wasn't supposed to rain at this point of season. It was weird, it was like the rain was directing us to the uncertain, unknown future.

Suddenly Lia came out of her room in a hurry. And without saying a word she rushed out of the house. "Lia where are you going? It's raining outside" I said calling out to her. But she didn't turn back.

I ran out till the door to stop her but could only see her and her car disappear in the heavy rain.

Harry's POV

"We still don't know if it's kidnapping or not. No one called for ransom amount" Ken told me. I nodded silently. The thought that my princess was with an unknown person, god knows how he must be treating her, was eating me alive.

"Can't we find out ourselves?" I asked. "Umm.... We can investigate but for that too we need at least one clue. A call from the kidnapper may help" he told me.

Suddenly my phone beeped indicating that I had received a message. I opened it to find a message from Eleanor.

Harry call as soon as you can. It's about Lia  -El

I called her immediately and after few rings she picked up.

"Harry, Lia left" she said.

"What? What do you mean?"

"I was sitting on the couch when Lia came out of her room in a hurry and without saying a word she rushed out" El explained.

"What the fuck! Why did you let her go? You know she's disturbed what if something happens?" I yelled in frustration running my fingers through my hair.

"I'm sorry Harry. I called out to her but she didn't reply. I even followed her but she had already left" El said and it seemed like she was about to cry. I had yelled a bit too much at her.

"El El relax she'll be okay. I'll find out where she is okay. You don't worry. I'm sorry I yelled. I'm a bit stressed out" I told her.

"It's okay Harry. I understand. We will find Darcy don't take stress too much okay?" she said.

"Yeah. Okay bye. Tell me if Lia comes back okay"

"Yes I will. Bye"

Eleanor's POV

It's almost a day since Lia left and 4 days since Darcy is missing, it's getting me dead worried.

"Where's Lia gone? It's getting me worried now" Sophia said. I nodded.

"I really hope she's okay" I muttered. "El you could have at least asked her where she was going?" Liam said strutting worriedly.

"I already told you that she rushed out. I couldn't even ask her anything" I told him. "Yeah, I'm sorry El. It's just that I'm worried" he said.

"I know Liam. You don't need to be sorry" I told.

We all sat down in silence thinking about the possible places Lia could have gone.

Suddenly Harry came in hurriedly and started blabbering something holding Liam, none of us could understand what exactly he wanted to say. He looked so pale and tired. His eyes bloody red. He looked like a ghost.

"Mate relax and tell us what you want to say" Liam said trying to cool Harry down.

We made Harry sit down and asked him what he wanted to say.

"Li-Lia went to bring Darcy. She's with the kidnapper. He said that he is ready to leave Darcy" he told.

"what? And what about Lia?" I asked getting up. "He said that he wanted Lia not Darcy. Now that he has her, he is ready to leave Darce" he explained.

"What the hell is happening? I don't understand why does he want Lia? What does he have to do with her?" Liam said.

"and Lia knew about all this, why did she not tell us?" Niall said furrowing.

"We have to do something. We can't just leave her alone there" I told.

"Harry the kidnapper must have mentioned some place from where you can take Darcy?" Liam asked Harry.

"Yeah some Epping forest road" he replied. (Note that the place's name is made up. I don't know if it really exists)

"Epping forest road. It's nowhere inside the city. I think it's in the country side" Niall said. "Yeah even I think so" Liam said.

"Okay let's get going" Liam said and rushed out taking his car keys along with Niall, Louis, Zayn and Harry.

Heya people. First of all sorry for the late update. I was a bit busy. I somehow managed time to write this chapter. I know it's not that good but please bear with me.

Vote and comment your views and yea a question.

Q. Why do you think the kidnapper wants Liana and not Darcy?

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