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Hello! This is just an informative introduction to this fan fiction I've written, and I ask that you pretty please read it. :)

 I've had this idea of writing a fanfic for a long time now, I just didn't know who to write about. I then thought, "What about Zedd?"

 Anton is one of my favorite musicians, and he's one of my biggest inspirations. He's goofy, incredibly talented, he makes me smile, and his music is more than amazing and it never fails to make me happy. He’s the bomb. :)

 I noticed there was kind of a lack of fan fiction about him, and that fueled my thoughts of writing one even more. Ideas started clicking in my head, and a while ago, I finally decided I needed to write it. So I started writing sections, and I fell in love with the story line I had in place.

 I wasn't planning on posting until I had the whole story done, but after pestering from myself and others of whom I showed the sections to, I decided I really needed to pick up the pace and start posting.

 But before I post the story, I want you to know that I need your imagination. I had to make a few things up, and go with my gut on research. Please don't question the story, just read it, and maybe even enjoy it. :) This story if for your entertainment, and from the bottom of my heart I hope you enjoy it and love it as much as I do.

 Also, as for updating, I plan to upload the first chapter on Sunday, June 16th. After that, I hope to stay on a schedule of posting at least every Wednesday and Sunday. I might post early if I'm confident enough with whatever chapter I'm writing at the time. I’m a perfectionist sometimes, so I might not stay on a posting schedule, but I’m confident If I push myself that I most definitely can. (EDIT: I uploaded the first chapter early! Chapter 1 is posted now!!)

 Also, I hope to have a better cover sometime soon.

 Thank you so much for reading, and I really hope you enjoy this fan fiction. :) This is my first, and definitely not my last.

 I love you!!

Love, Angel :D <3

&quot;Why Are You My Clarity?&quot; - A Zedd Fan FictionDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora