"Why Are You My Remedy?"

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A little fluffy here! Enjoy! :) -Angel:D

Anton's P.O.V:

The buzzing of my phone on the table woke me up. I opened my eyes slowly and grabbed my phone, trying to stop the annoying noise the phone made when it vibrated on the table. I tapped the answer button on my phone when I looked at who was calling.  

"Hello?" I answered still half asleep.

"Dude you are in deep shit." Porter replied on the other end.

"What do you mean?"

"There's a photo of you and Halley making out on the internet now." All the memories of earlier flooded into my head, causing a huge headache.

"Shit! Someone took a picture!?" I sat up and put my head in my free hand.

"What the hell were you thinking!? Why would you cheat on Grace!?"

"I would never cheat on her, Porter! Dude her ass came onto me. She shoved me against the bar and started kissing me. Speaking of I need to bleach my mouth out..."

"Dose Grace know?"

"Yeah. She only saw Halley sucking my face off though. She didn't see me yell at her and push her away. I feel like shit dude. I got to Grace's apartment and she was asleep, her makeup was smeared all over the place and she had my music on."

"Jesus dude..." Porter sighed.

"Halley is just lucky she's a girl. I wanted to uppercut her back to whatever hole she crawled out from man I really did."

Porter laughed, "I think we all do."

"She fucked everything up, and I know she crushed Grace."  

"You can still fix it."

"I hope so. Thanks for the info. I'll call you later."

"Good luck bro!" He said and I disconnected the call. I noticed the clock on my phone and grunted. It was 2:15 AM.

I noticed a yellow piece of paper on the ground. It read,

"Ice cream isn't strong enough, went out for a drink. Won't be long. I love you. Love, Grace.

P.S, If you get hungry, there’s bacon in the freezer."

I smiled. Somehow I knew we'd get through this. I stood up and headed for the freezer, but a body crashed into me and wrapped it’s arms around me. The familiar body was sobbing into the crook of my neck and shaking. It was Grace.

I stroked her hair and wrapped my arms around her too. I buried my face into her hair.

"Shh it's okay. We're okay." I told her. She continued to shake. I could feel her tears going through my shirt, and it broke my heart. She was so hurt. I picked her up bridal style and she clung to neck, still crying. I took her to her room and laid her down on the bed, climbing over her and laying next to her. I put the blanket over us and she snuggled into my chest. I wrapped my arms around her and let her cry it out. After about 10 minutes, she fell silent and her body had finally stopped shaking.

"Its okay, Grace. We're okay." I whispered to her.

"I'm s-sorry Anton. So s-s-sorry." She said, her voice still shaky and not yet normal again.

"You have nothing to be sorry about."

"Yes I do. I t-thought you l-lied to m-me and c-cheated on me. And I s-soiled your shirt." She sighed.

I was confused, "lied about what, liebe?"

"I convinced myself that you didn't l-love m-m-me and that you d-didn’t care." She took in a deep breath trying not to cry again.

I pulled her face up so she could look at me. "Look at me," her eyes met mine. The look was filled with a sadness I never wanted to see again. "I love you so much. No one will ever amount to you. You're my everything. I love you Grace and I always will. No one is ever going to change that. And this shirt doesn't matter, all that matters is that you're mine and that you're okay." I stray tear fell then, and I wiped it away with my thumb.

"I love you, Anton." She whispered.

“I love you too.” I smiled and leaned in to kiss her. But she blocked my lips with her index finger. I could tell my face looked confused because she giggled a small giggle and smiled.

"Not until you rinse your mouth out. Neither of us want Halley germs." I laughed at her, got up, and practically ran into the bathroom. I grabbed her Listerine and rinsed my mouth at least 3 times. I ran back to the room and jumped on top of her. She giggled as I pinned her down and kissed her. It was playful and passionate. I kissed her again and again. Then I planted small kisses on her cheeks and then her forehead, chin, and nose. I finished with another kiss on her lips.

"Fuck I love you." I said to her as I kissed her again and grinned.

"I love you too." She grinned back with a giggle. "Can we stay here all day? This is fun."

"I know something we can do that's much more fun." I wiggled my eyebrows.

She smiled a mischievous smile in return and laughed, "And what might that be?" 

"We can make that bacon in the freezer and eat it." I laughed at her expression which was now a playful glare.

"You suck." She said to me as she fought off a grin.

I replied with a wink, and her eyes grew wide and a smiled tugged at the corners of her mouth. She began to laugh and I laughed with her as I rolled over her and laid down next to her and we snuggled up again.

We stayed snuggled up and laughing for the rest of the night, and we eventually fell into a worryless sleep. 

I'm not quite sure when the next chapter will be up at this point. I've hit a tremendous writer's block, but I hope to have the next chapter up sometime in the first half of next week! I love you all so much and I just want to say thank you for everything. The fact that this is over 1,000 reads is just breath taking to me, because I never expected it. I didn't even expect 1 to be honest. But enough from me. Ich liebe dich!<3 :) -Angel:D

&quot;Why Are You My Clarity?&quot; - A Zedd Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now