"I'd Fall For You"

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Not my best chapter, but I hope you enjoy it none the less. Thank you so much for reading!! <3 -Angel:D

Dedicated to Tasha (DegrassiFan12) for literally always having nice things to say and for always supporting me with this story. Seriously go check out her Zedd fan fiction because it is one of the best ones I have ever read, and it will definitely get you hooked! She's an incredible writer. :) Love you girl! :) <3 

"Come on let me help you carry that." I said to Anton, slowly trying to get up from the couch, Wincing at the pain still present from my two broken ribs. I failed miserably and ended up just sinking back into the couch. He was carrying all his bags inside my apartment. It's been three days since the incident and thankfully the police has collected all the evidence they needed and I was free to move back in. The guest bedroom still had things scattered around, but Anton and Porter said they'd pick it all up, and I wasn't allowed to help at all. It was frustrating, but even I know I should be resting. That isn't going to go well though. We resume the last of recording on Monday, which was less than 48 hours from now. I refused to let anyone push back the recording more than they already did. We missed two days already because of me. There's no need to miss more.

Anton and Porter stayed by my side the whole time I was stuck in the hospital. Claire and Zach came to visit me as well. All four of them got me flowers, and Anton got me a teddy bear. I swear it was my favorite thing ever. It was light brown with big dark brown eyes, and it had a red ribbon tied in a bow around his neck. He was really soft and he was kind of big, but not oversized. It was perfect. I had all the flowers sitting on my coffee table. Porter got me some orange colored roses, Claire and Zach got me pink roses, and Anton got me red roses. I put all of the roses in an hourglass shaped vase and together they were so gorgeous. It was breathtaking to me how much they cared.

Thankfully within these past few days, I was able to get a hold of Hope. She was okay, but really shaken up. Aaron had hit her multiple times and threw her to the ground like he did to me. He threatened her that if she didn't tell him where I was, he'd kill her AND me. I swear the man is psychotic.  

"Grace, you just got out of the hospital not even four hours ago. Just rest, liebe. Porter and I got it handled." He replied.

Porter came through the door carrying his own bags at the exact time Anton said his name, "We got it, Grace! Just rest. It's okay."

I picked up the teddy bear Anton gave me and hugged it sighing, "This is fustrating."

"I know it is but you don't want to injure yourself more. Neither of us want that either." Anton said so lovingly it made my heart melt. They both sat their luggage down and Porter shut the door behind him and locked it. Anton smirked as he looked at me, "I'm starting to think you like that teddy bear more than me."

"Pffft," I smiled, "Nothing compares to you. Except maybe bacon." He gasped and faked hurt. I giggled, "I'm joking! You're the best. Really." I smiled. He smiled and came over to me. He leaned down and kissed me. Passionately at that. A groan came from behind Anton and I broke the kiss laughing.

"Guys seriously. You have a room. No suck face guys come on." Porter whined.

"You're right, we do have a room. Maybe we should use it." Anton said and then wiggled his eyebrows at me.

"I like that idea." I replied.

"Guys!" Porter whined again. I busted out laughing, and quickly regretted it.

"Guys oh my gosh... stop.. making me.. laugh.... It hurts." I panted still trying to stop laughing. It really did hurt to laugh too hard. This was going to suck big time.

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