"The Stars Come Out"

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As soon as my shift was over at 9 PM and the store closed up, I went home. I walked into my apartment and shut and locked the door behind me. I went straight for the computer and jiggled the mouse around to turn on the screen. My video had successfully uploaded, and the view count was stuck at 301, which was always a good thing. My Yahoo email icon on my web browser alerted me that I had 6 new emails. I scrolled through them.

Junk mail, some store I didn’t remember I went to, Facebook, YouTube... but one caught my eye. I gasped as I saw it. The subject line read "Guest Vocals", and if I wasn't mistaken, the sender was by the name of Anton Zaslavski. I clicked the email, and it opened. My mouth dropped as I read it.

This couldn't be happening.

I read the email at least 10 times over, trying to decide if what I was reading was real. It didn't seem real at all. I couldn't believe it. Maybe if I read it out loud...

"Hi Grace, this is Anton Zaslavski. You may or may not know who I am, but I'm better known as Zedd. I discovered your covers and I love your voice. Its unique and well, beautiful. I'm writing my first album, and I want you to do vocals on one the songs. If you want of course. Email me or call me back if you're interested!" At the end of the email, there was a smiley face and his email and phone number.


I was hyperventilating and freaking out so bad that I don't know how I didn't pass out.

"Let this be real. Tell me I'm not dreaming." I whispered to myself.

I have to respond to this as soon as possible, I thought. Would I be able to call? Probably not. I don't know if anything could even come out of my mouth and still be understandable right now. I hit the reply button on the email and started typing.

"Hi Anton! It would be an honor to do guest vocals on a song for you. I'm a huge fan of yours. Thank you for your kind words and thank you so much for this opportunity." I typed it out. I put a smiley face at the end, signed it, and then attached my phone number. I clicked the send button after I reread the email for the hundredth time to make sure there were no errors.

Oh my gosh.

A squeal escaped from my lips as not more than five minutes later, I got a reply.

He told me when they started recording, the address of the studio, and he told me he was excited to meet me. He also asked if I needed a place to stay and a way down to where the studio was.

Surprisingly, the studio they were working at was located right here in Livonia, Michigan. I smiled. This was perfect.

I replied back with a smiley face of course, and I told him that I lived here in Livonia, and that I was more than excited to meet him too.

He replied after a few minutes.

"Awesome! See you then. :)"

I think I screamed so loud I could have shattered glass.

Smiling the entire time, I got ready for bed. I ran into my room and jumped on my bed.  I squealed and smiled so big I felt like my jaws were going to burst.

Somehow my eyes shut and I slowly drifted to one of the happiest sleeps I've ever had in my life.


I woke up with a smile on my face the next day and got ready for work.

When I arrived at the record store, Claire and Zach were already there as usual.

"Guys I have insanely important news I need to tell you." I said as I walked in.

"What is it?" Claire asked me as her and Zach both came up to me with a curious expression on their faces.

"Well, when I got home last night, I had an email from Anton Zaslavski, or Zedd. He wants me to do guest vocals on a track for his first album!" I squealed.

Claire enveloped me in a hug, "Oh my god, Grace that's amazing!!" When she let go, Zach enveloped me in one as well.

"That's amazing, Grace!"

"That's the thing though," I said as I pulled away from Zach, "I'll need to be off of work for however long I have to be there at the recording studio."

"Done deal." Zach said, "I'd never take the opportunity away from you."

"Thank you so much. I really appreciate it Zach. Once I find out more about the schedule I let you know!" I said to him with a smile, I was so appreciative of this. "The crazy part is that they're recording right here in Livonia."

"Nu-uh?" Claire asked.

I nodded with a smile.

"That's awesome and so lucky!"

"I know! I'm still so shocked that this is happening." I said, grinning from ear to ear.

"When do you start?" Zach asked.

"The 30th!"

Claire and I squealed together and giggled at how crazy we were. Zach even joined in on the fangirling session. We all busted out laughing.

A knock on the door interrupted us, and we realized it was time to open the store.


When I got home that night, I made a call to Hope. I still felt bad for leaving her the way I did, but she always told me that she understood. I miss her everyday. We were like sisters, two peas in a pod.

I dialed her number that I knew by heart in my phone and pressed the call button. After five rings, I sighed as her voicemail message played.

"You've reached Hope Johnson, leave a message and I'll call you back as soon as I can!" Her chirpy voiced rung out through the speaker of my phone.

"Hey its me, Grace! I just called to tell you some good news. Call me back when you get a chance! Hope you're doing good! I love you!" I hit the end button, and proceeded to call my parents.

My mom answered on the first ring.

"Hi mom!" I said.

"Hi sweety! How are you doing?"

"I'm wonderful. I actually have some news to tell you and dad. Can you get him next to the phone too?"

"Of course!" Less than a minute later, I heard my dad on the other end.

"Hey honey! You're on speaker phone!"

"Hi dad! Okay well, I got an email yesterday to do guest vocals on one of the songs for one of my favorite artist's new album!"

"That's fantastic!!" My dad shouted.

"Honey we're so proud of you!"

"Thank you." I smiled, it was great to hear my parent’s voices. I missed them so much. We proceeded to talk about how everything's been between all of us. How Minnesota's been and how Michigan's been. We talked about random things for about an hour. We said our "I love yous" to each other and hung up.

I got ready for bed, still with a smile on my face. I walked into my room and plugged in my iPod into the dock I had on my dresser next to my TV. I put it on shuffle and the first thing that came up was Zedd. I laughed at the irony and hopped into bed. I drifted off to another happy sleep.

Early upload again. Hope you enjoy! :) -Angel:D

"Why Are You My Clarity?" - A Zedd Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now