"Let's Get Lost At Sea"

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I wasn't going to post this for a day or two, but it's done and ready to go and I hate leaving off on any kind of cliffhanger. Also, I heard Clarity on the Today show this morning, and I heard it on the radio today. Just a little something I thought was awesome and I had to share, but enough blabbering from me. Enjoy! :) -Angel:D

 Dedicated to my friend of over ten years, Brie (briebriecake). Love ya girl!! :) <3

Dinner was beautiful. Anton took me to Olive Garden. We talked about everything under the sun the whole time, such as our music interests, favorite food, places we’ve been too and where we wanna go, favorite movies and TV shows, and even our favorite video games. We even started telling funny stories about ourselves. It was a blast.

After we were done with our dinner, we left to whatever special place Anton wanted to take me. He told me it was a surprise, and that I couldn’t know where or what it was until we got there.

Now, we were sitting in the parked car in a brightly lit parking lot. The parking lot was small and somewhat empty, except for the lone black Hummer on the other side of us...

“Where are we?” I asked Anton.

“You’ll have to find out.” He smiled as he got out of the car and ran over really fast to open mine. I smiled.

“Thank you.” I said to him.

He shut the door and took my hand. “Come with me.” He said with a nervous smile. I smiled back and followed him.

As we got closer, we guided onto a sidewalk that was outlined with trees. Then we reached a break in the trees and I noticed that we were next to a body of water. There was only one body of water I actually knew in Livonia, and that was Newburgh Lake. I noticed a dock, and on that dock was a table and an open laptop with two small speakers next to it. From the glow of the laptop I made out a body, and a face.

It was Porter.

I smiled and squeezed Anton’s hand as he led me to the dock. He looked at me and smiled. We walked to the front of the table.

“Hi Porter.” I said with a smile.

“Hello pretty lady! Pretend I’m not here.” He replied. I laughed and so did Anton.

“Okay,” Anton began as he turned to face me, “Close your eyes.”

I did as he said and not even thirty seconds later, Anton said, “Okay, open.”

The first thing I saw was Anton in front of me smiling, and then I noticed my surroundings. White lights were hanging around the dock railings and around the table Porter had his laptop on. The lights reflected off of the lake and my gosh it was gorgeous.

“This is so beautiful...” I trailed off, grinning from ear to ear.

A song started playing from Porter’s laptop. It was an unfamiliar song but it was a slow and kinda romantic sounding. Anton put his hands on my waist and smiled. I put my hands on his shoulders. We began to sway to the music.

Just crash, fall down, I’ll wrap my arms around you now. Just crash, it’s our time now, to make this work second time around.

I smiled at the lyrics. I smiled at Anton who was already smiling at me.

“This is amazing, thank you so much.” I said to him.

“Thank you for being here.” He laughed.

“I wouldn’t have missed it for the world.” I smiled and he smiled right back.  

We swayed on the dock above the lake surrounded by the beautiful white lights to whatever music Porter decided to play. All the songs he was playing were pretty freaking romantic too. It was so perfect. I layed my head on Anton's shoulder as we swayed to the music. I smiled as I quickly recognized what song was now playing. It was by one of my favorite bands, SafetySuit, and it was called Anywhere But Here. I started singing along to the chorus as Anton and I continued to sway.

&quot;Why Are You My Clarity?&quot; - A Zedd Fan FictionOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz