"Hide Where Love Can Save Us"

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A/ N: I keep forgetting to mention that Halley is completely fictional. She isn't real! Anyhoo, enjoy!!-Angel:D

 I woke up wrapped in Anton’s arms. It was nice after the fiasco that happened last night. I felt safe again, and kind of stupid for believing that he’d cheat on me. After I overheard his phone call with Porter, I really felt like shit for thinking so low of Anton.

I still wondered who this Halley girl was. A lot of questions ran through my mind about that, and hopefully I’d get an explanation soon.

Anton began to squirm a little and I kissed his nose. He opened his eyes and smiled.

"Guten Morgen." I smirked.

"Guten Morgen to you too, liebe." He laughed.

I rolled over out of his arms and sat up, “I'm going to find my phone and make some food. Wanna join?” I asked as I took the covers off and got out of bed.

“Of course.” He said, as he proceeded to follow suit and get out of bed. I walked into my living room and looked around but saw nothing, then I looked in my kitchen. My phone was sitting on my kitchen counter. I walked over to it and picked it up. I turned on the screen to find that it was 1:45 in the afternoon.

“Damn we slept a long time.” I laughed.

“We had a long night though.” He replied as he came into the kitchen with me.

“Speaking of,” I started as I hopped onto my kitchen counter. Anton leaned against the counter opposite of me. “Who was Halley?”

“She’s just an old girlfriend. I hate her to be honest.” He replied, looking down at the floor.

“Why? What happened?”

“Well, I met her here in the US, and we hit it off I guess. We started dating and everything was going really good. I had to travel around for awhile, and what not, but everything seemed perfectly fine so I didn’t worry about it. About 6 months in, I came to find out that she was cheating on me the whole time we were together. It really hurt because she told me she loved me and everything. I thought I loved her too. We got into a huge argument and I had nothing to do with her since last night. I’d would have much rather kept it that way.”

“I’m so sorry Anton.” I trailed, shocked that anyone could cheat on him. He was perfect, he didn’t deserve that.

He laughed, “It’s all good. I have something much better now.”

I smiled, “Why didn’t you ever tell me about her?”  

“Honestly? I kind of forgot about her. She doesnt matter to me anymore. After you came into my life, she pretty much disappeared from my memory. All that matters is you.” I blushed and smiled. I hopped off the counter, walked over to him, and kissed him before wrapping my arms around him.

“I think you pretty much turned my cheeks permanently red.” I laughed. “You’re so sweet.”

“I’m just saying the truth.” He smiled at me.

“How’d I get so lucky?” I giggled and smiled up at him.  

“I should be asking you the same thing.” I laughed and kissed his nose.

“Do you want to watch a movie? I’ll order pizza again.”

“Sounds great to me!”

“Meat lovers?”


I laughed, “Okay you go get the movie and blankets and I’ll order the pizza.”

He nodded and kissed me on the forehead before going off to my room.

I was damn lucky to have him.

Anton picked out the movie Step Brothers and we cuddled up on the couch with our meat lovers pizza and cans of Coke. We laughed like crazy during the whole movie, and it was definitely a great time. After we were done with the movie, we began to watch random shows on television. We settled for my favorite. Hardcore Pawn.

We watched a few episodes of it, laughing at the craziness. We even talked about heading up to Detroit to visit the store for ourselves.

My phone started vibrating on the table in front of the couch and I picked it up to see that Hope was calling me.

"Do you mind if I answer this?" I asked Anton.

"Go ahead." He smiled. I smiled back in return and pressed the answer button.

"Hi Hope!" I smiled as I held the phone up, put it on speaker, and sank back under Anton's arm and rested my head on his shoulder.

"Hey! What are you doing?" I smiled as her familiar voice rang through on the other end.

"I'm with Anton." I blushed, she still had no idea Anton and I were together.

"Wait Zedd?" She asked. Anton smiled.

“Hi there!” Anton said.

“Holy crap hi!”

"Mhmm. We've got catching up to do." I laughed, "what are you doing?"

"I finally caught a break with school and I'm sitting in McDonald's enjoying myself a Big Mac." She laughed.

"School’s keeping you busy, eh?"

"Terribly," she sighed, "I never have time for anything else with school and work, and by the time I'm done, I'm exhausted. I'm sorry I haven't been able to talk as much."

"I understand Hope. It'll be worth it though, just remember that."

"I try," she laughed, "but I really want to know more of Anton."

I smiled and so did Anton next to me.

“Well, we’re together now.” She squealed on the other end, causing Anton and I to laugh.

“I knew it! When you told me you were going to work with him, I just knew it was going to kick off from there girl, I had a feeling!” Anton and I were cracking up, “How long have you been going out?”

“2 weeks!” Anton answered for me. I smiled at him.

“Aww yay!” Hope squealed. “Grace and Anton sitting in a tree!” She started, I was in a fit of laughter and Anton was laughing too. I could feel his body shaking from his laughter which was causing me to laugh even harder. “K-I-S-S-I-” She abruptly stopped in the middle of her chant, and If I was heard correctly, I heard a small gasp. The other end went silent.

“Hope?” I asked, still smiling from the laughing fit and wiping away tears from my eyes. It was still silent and she didn’t answer. “Hope? Hope!” I continued. Now I was starting to worry.

“I have to go. Bye.” She said quickly, and before I knew it, I heard the clicking of the phone call ending. I looked at my phone and confirmed that the call ended.

“That’s odd...” I trailed.

“Yeah that was.” Anton agreed with me as he rubbed my shoulder.

“Maybe something came up.” I convinced myself. It can’t be anything big, I thought.

My gut told me differently.

"Why Are You My Clarity?" - A Zedd Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now