"This Feeling Is Heavy" Part 1

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I giggled as I opened my eyes and found myself wrapped in Anton's arms. He was still asleep. He looked so cute and peaceful. His hair was ruffled and messy and a tiny smile lingered on his lips. I kissed his nose and smiled. He stirred a little and I couldn't help but giggle again. He slowly opened his beautiful eyes. He focused on me and smiled.

"Good morning." I smiled at him.

"Good morning, Liebe." He replied with a very sleepy voice and kissed my forehead. His accent seemed thicker.

"I love when you speak German." I laughed.

"Guten Morgen, Liebe." He smiled.

"That is like kryptonite." I laughed as I nestled my face in the crook of his neck.

"You know you love it." He chuckled.

"That I do. What are the plans for today?"

"I was thinking we could just stay right here all day."

"I wouldn't mind that." I mumbled into his shoulder and pulled my head back to see him. "Lazy day?"

"I'm down." He smiled.

I giggled. "Good. Lets go get food though."


I laughed as we got out of bed and went out to my kitchen. I looked at the time on my wall clock and it said it was 12:48.

"Wow we slept a really long time." I laughed.

"Well, that was pretty comfortable." He smiled.

"Oh yes." I giggled. "Do you wanna order pizza?"


"Meat lovers work?"

"Most definitely!" He chuckled.

I laughed and walked over to the couch where I left my clutch last night. I picked it up and got my phone out. I dialed Pizza Hut and ordered a large meat lovers pizza.

30 minutes later, the pizza arrived. We decided we’d watch a movie. We sat out in the living room and watched Blades Of Glory as we ate our pizza. It was a lot of fun. I really enjoyed being with Anton. I still couldn't believe he was my boyfriend.


I smiled and blushed every time I thought of it. I loved being his girlfriend. We seemed so right for each other. I knew what this meant though. I couldn’t keep hiding it.

I had to tell him about my past.

After the movie was over, we got up and stretched and threw away our trash. I sat back down on my spot on the couch and bit my lip. I didn’t want to ruin the fun we were having with something heavy like this.

"Anton..." I trailed nervously. I knew I had to tell him. He needed to know. I didn’t feel right that he didn’t know yet.

"What is it, Liebe?" He asked as he sat down next to me on the couch and turned to face me. He had one leg tucked under the other. I sat cross-legged facing him. He took my hand and held them in his own, and I could tell by his face that he was worried.

"Well, you just need to know how I got here. I don't feel right not telling you."

"Go on." He squeezed my hands. I looked down at them and had to remind myself that everything was okay.

"It was a little over a year ago, I was fantastic. My YouTube covers were gaining momentum, I had the bestest friends I could ask for, and things were going great with," I winced, "my highschool sweetheart." Just thinking about it sent a wave of anger and sadness through me.

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