Chapter 2

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Chapter Two


Mornings are my favorite time of day. Mornings are absolutely amazing. Especially if it's the end of a really restful night's sleep. Oh, and I adore early mornings as well. Before the sun rises, at 5 a.m. That is something I genuinely love.

But, oh my, this morning hasn't been particularly pleasant. I'm constantly assaulted with thoughts.

I even made a deal with a devi- Kidding, with a guy!

"What did you just do, Lucy." I murmured as I slowly knock my head out at the dining table. My parents had already gone off to their jobs. I am alone, eating.

I ate my breakfast without life. I could be a zombie from The Walking Dead right now. ‎

I also have to consider how I will explain this to my friends, family, and peers that I am going to have a boyfriend. And, yes, we are still not formally together, despite the fact that this is a ruse. I haven't yet seen the printed terms that Natsu is yet to give me.

"Please don't let this screw my life!" I said out loud. It echoed throughout our empty mansion.

"Oh hi, Lucy!" Juvia approached me as soon as I reached the school grounds. I waved at her. "You look dead." She chuckled. The sun is glinting off her delicate skin. Juvia has always charmed and enchanted me. Her eyes, on the other hand, are frequently lifeless.

"I didn't get much rest." I said. Well, that was true.

"I hope you'll do today, though." She said and smiled.

"I hope so." I said unconsciously, lost in my thoughts again.

‎We entered our classroom and it was loud as usual. I greeted a few students before going to my seat.

The teacher arrived shortly after, and we were once again swamped with activities and tasks. It isn't a big deal to me because I am used to it. I'm simply so lost today because I'm so preoccupied and distracted.

Also, I still have to talk to Natsu, yes, Natsu! He was the guy I have to study with!

What a nice turn of events!

"It's alright, Lucy. It's just a fake relationship. You don't have to take it seriously. You still dislike guys, men, boys, whatever, that creature with a penis and a functional brain that stresses you out." I murmured to myself while writing a news report for my Literature subject.

I was in the midst of finishing my news report when someone called my name. And I especially hate it when people do that whenever I am busy or something. My classmates know that very well.

"Yes?!" I hastily said. I hope this is important.

"Someone's looking for you outside." Levy, one of my closest peers said. I softened my features when I realize it was her who called me.

"Alright, Levy-san! I truly apologize." I said after standing up.

"It's alright, Lu-chan! Go now, the person is waiting outside." She smiled at me. Her blue hair is tied up in a pony tail and she is wearing her reading eye glasses.

Now who is this person who summoned me!

"What?!" I said as I opened the sliding doors to my classroom.

"Oh, hey, Luce!" In front of me stood an obnoxious man with salmon-colored hair and brown eyes.

So, it's him. I rolled my eyes.

"Can you just wait until dismissal?! I am busy!" I told him.

"I have trainings later, so yeah." He said. "I also got the thing you wanted me to make, not sure if it's accurate, but I did my best." He handed me a paper.

I eyed him before accepting the paper. So, he really did make a written regulation. More like, a contract.

Oh, wow, this now feels like a cliché series drama or novel.

I started reading the contract he wrote, and it's actually rather good, despite a few grammatical flaws.

"Alright, thanks for this. I'll be reading this tonight after correcting the grammar issues- "

"Alright, miss smart pants." He said while grinning. I rolled my eyes to it.

"Can you let me finish what I'm going to say?" I said rudely.

"Fine, fine, go on."

"Again, I'll be reading this and I'm sending you my response through chat. Give me your number." I said with no malicious intent, but, oh boy...

He grinned sheepishly while cocking his head to the side. "So now you want my number. Do you have a crush on me, Luce?" He said while trying his best to stifle his smile.

I scoffed loudly to express my distaste on men.

"Excuse me?!" I said. "Alright, we are never conversing again!" I said while pushing him away. He held my hands that are pressing against his shoulders.

"Alright, alright, I'm just kidding. Here's my number." He said while swiftly opening his phone before showing it to me.

I also got my phone and typed down his number. After typing it down. I turned my back on him without bidding good bye. I can even hear him laughing out loud again. I just groaned before going inside the room.

School has now ended, and I am showering to remove the dirt off my body. I sat in the vanity chair in front of my vanity table, holding the paper Natsu had given me earlier, after I had fixed myself.

I quite impressed that there's a correct indention and margin. I quite underestimated him.

I also corrected a few grammatical errors while reading the whole thing.

Rules and Conditions Natsu Dragneel

Section 1 – Natsu Dragneel is, without a doubt, Lucy Heartfilia's boyfriend. She should not refuse or decline anyone who approaches her asking if he truly is.

1.1 She should also reject all potential suitors

1.2 Cheating is highly discouraged.

Okay, whatever, Natsu.

Section 2 – Natsu Dragneel requires Lucy Heartilia to consent to a few dates.

1.1 Family dinner dates will allow her to meet his family.

1.2 After school dates to stimulate more rumors, making it believable to his family

My eyes widened at Section three.

Section 3 – Natsu Dragneel is comfortable with any physical contact as long as Lucy Heartfilia is comfortable with it.

Of course, kissing, hugging, and the like is not fine with me! But I like how he is very considerate if I am fine with it.

I wrote a note at the bottom of it.

Section 4 – Natsu Dragneel is unable to provide Lucy Heartfilia with the sexual connection she might need. They're still nineteen, and they need to stay safe.

What the hell?! Why is this even written in here?!

'Screw this, who says I might need sexual intimacy!' I wrote at the bottom of it.

My name is at the bottom of the paper, and there is a line above it where I should sign. There's also a small message above it that says if I have any restrictions or conditions, I can tell him or write like this.

I closed my eyes and inhaled deeply. I put down my pen and covered my face with my hands.

I need to ponder long about this one. This is a serious matter that should not be treated lightly. We're about to embark on a phony relationship.

I took out my pen once again and aligned the point on the line above my name.

"You can do this."

Alright, Lucy, there is no turning back. 

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