Chapter 4

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Chapter Four


"Lucy, you're home!" Mom reached out to me as soon as I got home. They were preoccupied with something, maids and butlers were rushing around, and mom was dressed in a formal outfit.

"Is everything alright?" I asked. "Are you going off somewhere?"

"Yes, come on now, fix yourself upstairs. We are attending a party." She said. I smiled and nodded at her, but then I remembered something. There's something I need to tell her.

"Mom, I have something to tell you-"

"That could wait later, honey. Go fix yourself now, me and your papa will be waiting." She said before giving me a kiss on the cheek.

I nodded before walking towards the staircase and into my room. A long burgundy silk strap dress was hanging on the wall beside my closet. There are a few accessories that would complement it. There's also a pair of cream-colored heels next to it.

I put on some light make-up and dressed up for the occasion. I'm a little nervous, which is something that doesn't happen very often for me because I'm used to attending formal parties, but this is a very different situation. I'm absolutely certain that I'm going to meet the person my parents wish for me to marry. I should bring up the subject of my current relationship with them as soon as I possibly can.

I gathered my purse and made my way towards the doorway and our parking lot.

A few maids bowed to me, and I returned the courtesy by greeting them. It also appears that Mama and Papa have arrived at the car and are waiting for me.

I live in the Heartfilia Estate with my parents, who are both business owners. I have a comfortable life, which is entirely due to the generosity of my parents.

I am, however, extremely grateful to them for meeting all of my needs and desires, as well as for providing me with a rather luxurious lifestyle. I would do anything for them in a heartbeat. I swear I do, but... I just couldn't accept their request to marry the son of their friend. It's too much, and too uncomfortable.

I hope they'll finally be able to let go of this once they've realized what's going on... I've finally found someone to date.

Thinking about makes me feel so weird.

The drive towards the event place was smooth, there was no traffic. I was humming to a tune playing in the radio. I'm at the back seat with my ma, while papa was at the shotgun, our driver is driving the car.

"Mom, there is something I want to tell you." I said, trying to ease my nervousness.

"Yes, darling, what is it?" She asked. She looked at me with a loving expression on her face. My mother is in her late 40s, but she maintains a youthful appearance on her face. There isn't a single wrinkle on her face.

"I have..." I spoke in hushed tones. It's already on the tip of my tongue, but I couldn't bring myself to say it for some reason.

"You have?" She asked patiently.

"We are here." Papa suddenly said. We both nodded.

"I'll tell you later, mom." I said. She nodded again and we got off the car.

Why can't I just say it?! Well, I'm sure they'll be puzzled because they're well aware of my strong disdain for boyfriends and boys in general. And it's possible that they won't believe it.

But I have to! I have to tell them!

I gently grabbed my mother's arm before we could make our way through the massive doors of the event venue. She looked at me with a confused face.

"Yes, love?" She asked.

"Mom, I'm going to tell it to you now." I said, closing my eyes, "I have a boyfriend."

"You have a what?"

"A boyfriend." I whispered, slowly opening my eyes. I saw her confused face.

"Lucy... I know how much you loath the marriage me and your papa is planning for you. You don't have to lie to us." She said calmly. Papa is in front of us, talking with a friend. I doubt he heard what I just said.

"Mom, I am saying the truth. I do have a boyfriend." I said, convincing my mama, convincing myself.

"I love you, honey, and I believe anything you'll say, but I need to see it for myself. Bring your boyfriend at our house, me and your papa will meet him." She said seriously but not harshly.

I bit my lip, trying to think if Natsu would agree to that.

He has to!

She then held my hand and gave me a smile, "Make sure you are not lying." She said. I nodded.

Well, I am not lying, right?

We then proceeded to walk towards papa, who had finished his conversation with his friend.

"Are you two alright?"

"Yes, let's go now, love." My mom told him. He just nodded at us. The butlers then opened the doors for us, and we were greeted by the bright, warm lights emanating from the chandeliers throughout the room. People were also dressed in a more formal evening attire, and the room was bustling with chit chat.

I am now in between my parents as we walk around the venue. A few people greeted us, and there were also some familiar faces. People that often visits our home.

"Lady Layla, and Jude Heartfilia, good evening. I am very much delighted that you attended the party!" One of their closest friends approached us. I bowed down and smiled. "My son is eager to meet you, lady Lucy." He said.

It made me feel nervous as I look at my mum, asking help. She just smiled at their friend, refusing to look at me. I am very much sure she still thinks I am lying.

"Sting, come here!" The guy then called someone. Oh my! I bet it's the guy!

I was looking around, trying to find an escape, wanting to dash out from this place. But before I could do, I can feel my mum's arm around me, rubbing my right elbow.

"This is my son, Sting Eucliffe." When I looked in front of me, there was a guy who appeared to be about the same age as me. He has spiky blonde hair and dark blue eyes. His left ear also sports a crystal-like earring. He looked at me with a serious expression on his face.

"Uh, Lucy Heartfilia." I said, offering my hand to him. He looked at it before accepting.

"Sting Eucliffe." He simply said.

I can sense his dissatisfaction towards this set up.

Well, hello, mister. I also dislike this!

As Sting's parents and my parents were conversing, I was in agony on the inside. I want to go home!

"We'll greet the newcomers, Jude, Layla, Lucy." His father said before bidding goodbye. Thank god Sting went with him.

His low-key glares are too much for me to bear.

"Mama, I told you-" Before I can finish my sentence I heard someone call me.

"Luce?! Is that you?"

I quickly turn my head to look behind me, where the voice had come from. I was taken aback when I saw Natsu Dragneel!

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