Chapter 8

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Chapter Eight


I didn't sleep that night.

I could feel my eyebags digging deep into my face. I took a bath before going down to eat breakfast.

My parents were downstairs. Dad was sitting on our sofa, while Mama stood next to the vinyl shelf. I was on the way down the stairs when I noticed Mama approaching me with an apologetic look on her face.

"Lucy, dear..." she murmured. She went in closer to me and attempted to kiss me on the face, but I moved my head away from her.

"Mama, perhaps, I need breakfast." I said and walked towards our dining room.

Yes, I'm still upset, and I don't think I'm able to talk to them just yet.

Good thing there is no class today.

Anyways, Natsu is coming today. I gave him the location of our house. It's hard for me to say whether or not the decision I made was the best one. But last night, he was quite persuasive.

He will now formally meet my parents and try to win their approval. We can keep up this charade of a relationship all the way through college. By that time, I will no longer be living at home with my parents because I will be attending one of the city's many prestigious institutions, so it is easier to break up with him without my parents' knowing.

By then, I'm no longer tied with either of my parents or Natsu. I'll be free.

So, Natsu, I am counting on you.

I finished my breakfast then I walked towards the living room. Mom still looks soulfully regretful. I quickly averted my gaze and headed for the stairs and then up to my room.

Natsu said he'd arrive by ten. It's a quarter to nine now. By fifteen minutes he'd be here.

I changed into more presentable clothes. I wore a blue flowy dress with bow straps. I also wore a blue-ribbon headband. Before heading back downstairs from my room, I let my long blonde hair fall freely down my back. Dad is still at the sofa with his laptop. While mama is no where to be found.

Papa shot me a stare but I looked away and walked towards our foyer.

I'm not going to talk to my parents first, I have to wait for Natsu. I might say something hurtful that will make my parents even more upset of me.

Around nine fifty, he called me.

Natsu Dragneel is calling.

"Hello." I answered the phone.

"Hi, love," I heard him say. I ignored the obnoxious endearment.

"Where are you?" I asked.

"I'm here. Your guards are not letting me in."

"Alright, I'm coming to get you."

"Thanks, love."

I rolled my eyes before putting down the call.

I walked outside our mansion and strolled towards the gates. There's a circular fountain in front of our mansion, and a few peonies around it because mama loves flowers.

The guards got alerted when they saw me walking towards them. One of them bowed down to me.

"Good morning, lady Lucy."

"Good morning to you too. You can let my visitor come inside." I smiled at them.

"Are your parents aware of the visitor, ma'am?" the other guard asked. I just nodded and prayed that my parents won't go outside. "Alright, open the gates." He gestured to the other guard.

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