Chapter 12

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Chapter Twelve


The night grew colder and we both grew silent inside the car.

"I've been looking for you since lunch break." He suddenly blurted out, breaking the silence. I turned my head to look at him.

"Uhm, yeah, Cana mentioned."

"How are you feeling now, by the way." He said while his gazes was fixed directly in front of him while driving.

"I'm fine... How about you?" I asked.

He looked at me and smiled which made me frown. How long are you going to act tough, Natsu?

"I'm really fine, Luce!" he said with a chuckle. I just nodded.

When we arrived at our mansion, the guards greeted us by opening the front entrance. Natsu pulled up in his car and parked it close to the mansion's entrance.

"If you're sick, Luce, just stay at home, you don't have to go to school tomorrow..." he said.

"I have to study and pass my subjects, and it's no big deal to be honest."

"Alright, miss smarty pants. But you must rest when you get inside. I already did your assignment; you can pass it today."

"O-Okay..." I said. "Uhm, thanks by the way."

He winked. "I'm smart, Luce."

I just rolled my eyes at him, "I bet my answers are wrong because of you." I made a joke in order to calm the giddy feeling that was developing in my stomach.

"Hmmm... if I have a mistake on your assignment then I'll owe you something. But if I got everything perfect..." he was leaning toward me, I retreated until my back was against the car door. "we're going out for a date this weekend." He smirked while eyeing me.

I held my breath as I gaze at his face. He is so close that if I force myself forward I might be able to kiss the tip of his nose.

"F-Fine!" I said and looked away. "Tss... I'm going now. Bye!" I said as I push him away from me. I heard his laugh as I open the door of his car. "Thank you!" I said harshly without looking at him.

"Anytime, love." I heard him say before I shut the door close. I hastily walked towards the mansion's door. I looked back and noticed that he was smiling at me through the open window of his car. I turned my back and walked through the door.

In a panic, I locked the door to the mansion and leaned against it, my right hand clutching my chest as I feel it rapidly beating.

What the hell is happening to me?!

"My dear, what are you doing there?" My thoughts were cut off when I heard my mom's voice. "What is that on your forehead?" she pointed out.

"Uh, good evening, mama." I said as I walked towards her and kissed her cheeks. "Uh, I was sick and uh—I placed it here to... lower my temperature."

"Yes, yes, good evening. You're alright now?" she asked with a concerned note, I nodded at her. "By the way, your driver did inform me that Natsu will be taking you home, where is he?" she asked.

"He already left, mama."

"Ah, alright, he could've stayed and eat supper with us." She said. She grew fond of Natsu already! That fast.

"Y-Yeah." I awkwardly laughed. "Maybe he is busy, mama."

"Yes, he could be, love. Now, come, let's have our supper. Your papa's waiting."

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