Chapter Sixteen: Christmas Dinner with Nile

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Nile came home after mom had arrived back, Antonio had already left. Nile's attitude towards me seemed to have changed. She was actually polite to me, college really changed her; I guess the lecturers at the college were very effective on their lecturing/teachings or maybe her friends at college have a positive influence on her.

At the dinner, she talked about how edifying the classes were and how much progress she has been making. She said that the lecturers were very nice and that how they could give really good lecturing that makes you understand immediately. Nile also mentioned the friends she made, she expressed how happy she was since her old friends and her had parted their ways; these new friends of her were very mannerly and they taught her how to behave well with others. They made a very positive impact on her unlike her old friends who encouraged her to be a real mean and bitter person. 

Mom handed her a present, she unwrapped it; mom had gifted her a new laptop for her to use in college. She thanked mom and expressed her sorriness for not being able to get anything for her (mom) or me. 

I just could not believe how much Nile changed in just that little time. She seemed to be a whole new different person; not in a bad way but in a very good way. Her new step in life was for the better, one in which she had not taken in a long while. Mom updated her on what has been happening in our lives. Mom talked about her relationship with the doctor and how I got a boyfriend which was Antonio. Nile said how she forgot to mention, she also had someone in her life, his name was Devon. His name was pronounced in syllables of: De-von not Dev-on. She showed us a picture of him, he was a tall guy with a dirty blonde hair and in the photo she showed us he had on a white T-shirt with a black leather jacket and a blue jeans. He looked reasonable, nothing is wrong in saying whether he looked handsome or not but I just could not say because the only person, well man/boy that seemed handsome to me was Antonio (Antonio was neither a full grown man nor was he a boy but he was a teen just like me, I think).

This Christmas was the best ever, I finally had a good relationship with my sister and my mom. I had everything I could ever ask for. I am guessing that if I did not try to commit suicide before, then nothing would have changed with my mother and maybe nothing would have changed in my life at all. Yeah trying to commit suicide is wrong but it certainly brought about a positive change in my life. It was then that I knew that there were persons that actually care whether I die or not, and I promised myself not to even let that thought of committing suicide cross my mind no matter what life throws at me.


Trying to make the chapters shorter , hope you continue to read on more...

Note: Don't ever try to commit suicide over anything, even though life may seem horrible at that time and that the bad time may never end, don't ever give up. Keep living life no matter what may come your way, 'Behind every bad cloud there is a sliver lining' 

Thank you guys for reading so much!! Love you all!! <3

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