How to Fall in Love (10)

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Copyright © 2013 by roastedpiglet (of Wattpad)

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c h a p t e r  t e n

[  h o w  t o  b e  c u r i o u s  ]

          I never thought I'd been more mortified.

And just like that, Finn Laurel leaned back, his elbows leaving the hood, and got in the car, igniting it, making it rev loudly, jolting me on my feet.

Fury swirled in my stomach. He had the nerve to press his horn three times when I refused to move from my place. How could he be so disrespectful? My hands formed into curled fists, containing the anger swirling in my veins. Bad things happen when people are angry, and I turned to glare at my feet instead, wondering why they weren't moving yet.

The event hadn't even begun and my feet already ached; and as I stared at them questioning why they hurt so much, I was faced with the realization that it was because Finn bought me heeled slip-ons and so much more, that my swelling anger died down and I felt that I needed to be grateful instead—not because he bought me appearance freebies, but because of the fact that they were simple and didn't necessarily change who I was.

It was strange how he could be so disrespectful, yet respectful at the same time.

With a sigh and the other part of my mind berating me for this decision, I opened the car door and got in, shutting it for good measure before Finn curbed out of the driveway.

It was like he hadn't said the two words that Carlo had said to Vivienne when he proposed, because he was just nonchalantly driving (and by nonchalant, I didn't mean the average, normal speed. I meant the really fast one, which was why my hands were still glued to the seatbelt), as if he had no worries in the world. But at the shortest of moments, when he thought I wasn't looking, I caught a gigantic frown on his face. As if he was more worried than I was.

But for what? Why?

Well, whatever that was, I was going to find out.

I cleared my throat. "Um. So, Mr. Laurel. I don't think—" He yawned. I waited him out. "I don't think that it's wise of you to ask me, of all people. I—I don't know anything about that in real life. I mean, I—" I caught myself, closing my eyes for a moment. "Okay, let me just express how idiotic this is. The situation we're in. It's a time bomb of polar opposites. I'm not elite and I'm not from your world—"

"Glad we're on the same page."

"—and we don't share the same principles. Sir, I don't understand why you wanted me on your fallacy boat. I don't need this. I'm better off without it. Why do you have to be so callous and drag me into this?"

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