Chapter Three: Dinner And Chemistry

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She asked about my scars. No one ever asked about my scars, not the way she did. People never really had the balls to ask for the fear they might hit a nerve and it almost always did. But no one knew that, and they rarely asked. Even when they did muster up the courage to, I shrugged it off and they let it go. 

But Eleonora was different. 

She ignored me; she called me on my shit and showed no intention of letting me get away with anything. 

And I actually liked that about her, oddly enough. I was so through with the girls who just let guys get away with things because of their charming smile and good looks. I was glad she wasn’t one of them, but it also scared me that she was so... In control of me because of it. It’s only been a week and I knew she had me wrapped around her finger. And I had no problem with that. Even if I did, I doubt I could get myself out of this.

Why couldn't I stop thinking about her? I mean sure she was attractive, but there were a lot of other girls at Radley University who were attractive. In that aspect, she wasn’t that special. But there was something about her was, and I couldn’t seem to figure out which part that was.

Elli was just-

"Dude! Are you even listening to me?" London asked. We'd been sitting at a small cafe off campus that London said he’d been dying to try out. Contrary to Eleonora's beliefs, I really was hungry. That was the reason I asked her to lunch. 

Well. One of the reasons. 

I'm tempted to lie to him, but decide it isn't even worth it for more than one reason. One being he’d believe anything I said to him, taking the fun out of lying and two; I’d have to figure out what the hell he said.

"Nope. Not even a little bit." I confessed. The last thing I heard was something about a party.  And something about some redhead that he slept with… or maybe it was what he said about having alcohol poisoning…

I'm pretty sure he told me that yesterday...

"Car!" He brought me back out of my thoughts. I suppose it’d be easier to just listen to him to figure out what he was talking about. But I preferred to take the detective route and figure it out myself. Obviously, that wasn’t working out too much.

"What? I'm listening now!" Okay. That was definitely a lie. But it wasn't really my fault... Not entirely. Okay maybe a little… but seriously.

"Carlisle!" Had I seriously missed something else he said? I was slipping. I sat up straight and blinked a few times, focusing all of my attention onto him, determined to hear him this time. 


"Okay. Start over. You have my undivided attention." I said. He didn't start talking until he was sure I was paying attention. After a few awkward moments into our staring contest, he began.

"So first off, I am loving college. Every girl here things freshmen means freshmeat they can’t keep their hands off me! It’s like the playboy mansion, only the girls are smarter, wear more clothes and live in dorms. Oh, and there's this banging girl in my anatomy class. She's real sweet, but she's a freshman. You know how I like my older women—”

“You also like jailbait—”

 “So what? Anyways, her name is -" I hated that I knew who he was talking about. 

"Eleonora Schneider." I cut him off. Jesus, if London set his sights on Elli, it was going to be very messy. Especially if she fell for it, which I doubted, and exceptionally messy if she didn’t. Either way, I’d be caught up in the middle; my best friend would be sleeping with the girl I may or may not like or the girl I’m not sure if I like would hate my best friend.

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