Chapter Eleven: A Red Carpet Affair

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I was livid.

Okay, livid was probably an understatement. But it was vastly overshadowed by the guilt and pain that I felt. I felt partially responsible for the fact that Connor was in the hospital. Granted, there was nothing in this world that could justify what Carlisle done. No reasoning, no excuses, nothing. What he did was inexcusable and violent. I never would have guessed Carlisle would react that way, but part of me wasn’t too surprised.

He had this idea that Connor was out to get me in bed, although I couldn't imagine why. Matthew was the renowned player whereas Connor had been single for two and a half years; I just don't get it. And even if that was Connor’s plan, why did Carlisle think he had any say in it? Why did he even care? He was acting so jealous and possessive when I made it clear I didn’t want his friendship or anything of that variety.

So what was Carlisle so bent out of shape about?

I sat next to Connor and held his hand, hoping he'd be conscious soon, but the doctors were unsure when and if he'd come to. I was afraid he wouldn’t ever come out of it and he would die because of me. I don’t think I could ever forgive me if he died because of Carlisle and me.

Unfortunately, because he was so far away from the hospital, he lost a lot of blood. Carlisle broke a rib of Connor’s, it ended up piercing his lung. It wasn't looking too good. All we could do is be there for him and pray he made it out of this. But they did tell his mom to start making arrangements, which she didn’t take too well.

I heard a knock on the door and saw a puffy eyed Candice. She was taking it the worst; seeing her little brother in a hospital bed wasn’t the easiest thing. But apparently, she and Carlisle used to have a thing, so I’m sure that didn’t help anything.

"Hi, um, Elli, could you give me and my brother a moment?" She asked and I nodded. I barely left his side in the past two weeks, but it was time to go home and shower. No telling how bad I smelled, but I didn't care. I wanted him to know that I was here for him and I was going to be here until he recovered or until the end. Hopefully the former, however.

"Not a problem. I'm going to go home and shower up. Get some food and take a nap. Then I'll be back in a few hours. Call me if anything at all happens, please." I requested. She nodded her head, slightly, and pulled me into a tight hug. She knew how I felt about the whole situation and perhaps that was her way of telling me it wasn’t my fault.

"He'll be okay, Elli. Go home and get yourself together. I'll let you know." She reassured. No, I didn't want to leave him but I needed to get out of here before I lost my mind. Or my boyfriend. Besides, I know he’s probably wanting me to go home and get some rest, so I had to do what I had to do to be strong for the both of us.

The drive home, I was a wreck. It took every bit of focus and every bit of strength in my being to keep myself safe. Because what good would I be if I ended up in a ditch? I kept replaying that moment in my head. I kept seeing Carlisle full of rage and anger, hell bent on taking it out on Connor. I wonder if it could have gone differently, would the roles have been reversed if Connor weren’t caught off guard?

When I got home to my more or less abandoned house, I was caught off guard by Kate and hit her in the face out of pure reflex, then started apologizing immediately.

"Jesus! Kate, you scared me!" I yelled at her but I apologized again soon after. It wasn't her I was mad at. It was a combination of Carlisle and myself. I felt responsible on one hand, but on the other hand, he was at fault here, I didn’t raise a hand to Connor.

"I wasn't expecting you! Why are you back?" She asked as she checked her nose for blood. I started tearing up and ultimately broke down. And I was an ugly crier. I felt like the wind had been taken out of me, as if everything has been taken out of me.

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