Chapter Ten: Snowed In

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It was safe to say that at the very least, the holiday fair was a little awkward. Running into Carlisle more uncomfortable than it had to be and I half expected Carlisle to slug Connor. Especially considering how he reacted when he found out I went on a date with him. Surprisingly, both boys remained on their best behavior, at least for now. Their next encounter might not be so nice.

"You might as well get ready for bed, there's no way we're going to be able to make it back to your place in all of this snow." He mentioned as he prepared the couch so I could sleep in his bed. Even though I insisted that it wasn't necessary, he wasn't going to budge. I guess southern gentlemen do exist. Although I'm sure eventually I could get him not to be so gentleman like.

"I left Kaitlyn all by herself and I have nothing to wear to bed. I did not dress to spend a night with my... male companion." I trailed off and started blushing. I'd never spent the night with a guy, not that I remembered. And I really liked Connor; I didn't know how this would turn out and I didn't know proper protocol. But I did know that I was always down for my skittish behavior and nonstop blushing. That was always fun.

"Male companion?" He asked with a raised eyebrow, which only deepened my embarrassment. Why couldn't I be that sexy confident girl who could own a situation like this instead of being embarrassed? Maybe it was just nerves he was the first one I've gotten remotely close to in a long time and that alone scared the hell out of me.

I followed him back to his room and he tossed a shirt of his my way. As he turned his back, I changed out of my jeans and t-shirt into nothing but my underwear and the old jersey he gave me. It was a shame how uncomfortable I felt in my own skin. I wasn't sure if it was because of Sam, or if I was just insecure, but I was just going to have to get over it, at least for tonight, or everything would be awkward and uncomfortable between us.

"What are we doing, Connor?" I asked suddenly. My brain didn't have time to filter out what my mouth said. I was standing in front of a half-naked man, half-naked myself, trying to determine the relationship. A relationship, I wasn't even sure I wanted, or ugh. "We've been out every day for two weeks and I don't know what this is."

"That's up to you for determination. I told you on our first date, if we turn into anything, it's on your terms." He reminded. As sweet as it was, that put even more pressure on me. But I knew what Connor wanted; he just wasn't going to push me into wanting the same things. I really did adore him for that; I mean what girl wouldn't? It was nice of him to consider everything I'd been through and allow me to go at my own pace.

"I know I don't want you to see other girls, I just don't know what I want." I muttered under my breath as we made our way back into the living room. I was definitely a bit jealous and the idea of him seeing anyone else made me want to lock him in the closet.

"How about I make you an offer," He suggested and I nodded to hear what it was. "I'm not going to see other girls. I will be your boyfriend, but you don't have to be my girlfriend and you don't have to make that promise until you're ready to."

"Are you real?" I wondered out loud. Every girl prays for a guy like Connor to sweep them off their feet and be their fairytale ending. But I knew better to just believe that after two weeks, if I've learned anything, it's that there's always more than meets the eye.

He laughed. "No, I'm a figment of your imagination, sent here by the years of childhood trauma."

"Shut up, dork," I mentioned as I shoved his shoulder. "I really appreciate you being considerate."

"It's not really a problem. When I see something I want, I'll do whatever it takes to get it." He mentioned as he pulled me closer to him by my waist. Every time he pulled me in like that, my breath seemed to catch in my throat, my heart would race and I would get butterflies in my stomach. Just when he leaned in, his phone went off.

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