Chapter Seven: Dateless Dates And Cures Part Two

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I waited for Carlisle for a while but he never came. He was usually the one to be on time out of the two of us. In fact, he was always fashionably early. Therefore, when eight o'clock rolled around, I accepted the fact he wasn't coming. I hated that I actually felt disappointed. I shouldn't be going on a date. Even if it wasn't a date, date. Especially not with him. I should have stayed true to my word and just stayed friends. I mean... we are still friends. I just felt a little twinge of... something for him. However, as the moments passed, that twinge dwindled down into absolutely nothing.

More than anything, I felt embarrassed that I had been so excited to go. And more so that I was actually upset about not going. I mean, it wasn't that big of a deal, there'd be other things to do, another day. But after everything that happened today, I just needed to have a good time, but that obviously wasn't going to happen. At least not today.

It just gets to me that he got me all excited just to let me down. Why couldn't he have just let it go? Why couldn't I say no when he asked me if I still wanted to go? At least if I said no I'd still have my dignity. Or what's left of it after the doctor told me that there is no scratch on my back, despite the fact that looking in the mirror, I could see it. Maybe I was just crazy. That's all I was... crazy.

My phone rang and I felt angry seeing his name. He was an hour late, if I could even call it "late", and now he wanted to call? How about calling to tell me an hour ago. What about that? He wasn't courteous, at all. He stood me up and now his dumbass was going to give me some stupid reason why he couldn't make it. God this is why I don't date! Or go on dateless dates with guys I don't even want to be friends with... or at least didn't want to be friends with.

The more I thought about how excited I was to see him and go out with him, the angrier I got. I started pacing back and forth in my wedges, which only made my feet hurt, but, was helping alleviate my humiliation. Although after everything that happened, I wanted to escape. Even though everything seemed to come full circle to this stupid scratch. It taunted me with every second it was on my body. And now I would have all night to sit here in my black high-low skirt in my cute top watching reruns of Mistresses.

Talk about all dressed up and nowhere to go.

Regardless, I answered the phone and tried to sound as cool as possible, like I didn't care. But that went out the window when I opened my mouth and the first few words flew out without hesitation.

"It's not nice to stand up a girl, and then call her an hour later." I seethed. He has some nerve. I'd rather he not call. Maybe he could have texted me or something. At least then, I could have been pissed, and had time to get over it. Now he expected me to be okay with whatever he was going to say.

"Eleonora, I did not stand you up." He said evenly. I could feel my temperature rising through the roof. Maybe I was old fashion. But when you ask a girl out and then don't show up, I thought that counted as standing her up, but evidently not.

"Really? Then where are you?" I demanded. He stuttered for a moment before replying. He couldn't even come up with a lie. He should have called me with a lie already in place.

"I can't tell you." He sighed and I hung up on him. I had other things to deal with other than him being a no show. I had a scratch or whatever the hell it is on my back, besides, I had finals, and -

A knock on the door interrupted my internal rant. So help me, if it was Carlisle, things were going to get violent, and fast. But when I opened the door, I saw a curly haired blonde, with dimples.

"Is this weird?" I would say yes, but I was stunned by the fact that he was even on my doorstep. I stood there staring at him, trying to find the right words, but I was completely caught off guard. I was even more caught off guard by the fact that he was dressed up as well in a dress shirt and nice pants. He even had orange roses in his hand.

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