Chapter Eight: Tattooed Jealousy

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"Are you okay?" Connor wondered. The sound of his voice brought me back to the real world. My thoughts had been racing since we left Scotty's. They were a mess of, what did Carlisle think of me, why was I so into Connor, what if Matt finds out, what if, what if, what, if.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I'm just trying to processes all of this," I admitted honestly. The way he had me feeling was weird. He made me happy made me forget about the bad. His kisses made my head spin, and I was getting butterflies. "The way I feel when I'm with you is foreign to me."

"What do you mean?" He wondered and my phone went off for the umpteenth time. Fifteen texts, five missed calls and two voicemails from Carlisle. He wasn't very good at taking hints. Or he thought Connor had kidnapped me, one of the two. "Are you ever going to get that?"

"No, it's certainly not important," I replied while hitting the deny button. Make that six-missed calls. "I just feel so comfortable with you. Like I could tell you... Anything. I mean I told you a secret no one, and I mean no one, has ever known about me, and I don't regret telling you. And I kissed you. I never kiss on the first date. Was this... A date?"

He laughed. "Yes it was a date," he assured. "And I don't usually take a girl to my family restaurant until we've dated for a while. But for some reason, I felt compelled to take you there. I was nervous and knew that going to Scotty's was home field advantage. I could recommend food, talk about the history of it all. I don't know what it is about you Eleonora, but it makes me feel weird, but in a good way."

"Well I'll be the first to admit, you make me, I don't know, all girly. You know like in the movies, where a girl giggles at all of the guy's jokes and she twirls her hair?" I asked and he nodded. "That was me, all tonight. And I had butterflies in my stomach, Connor, I've never, had butterflies before today."

"Never, huh?" He asked and when I shook my head, he gave me a small smile that emphasized his gorgeous dimples. "Well, like I said, I don't get nervous. I made a speech in front of fifteen-hundred people at my high school graduation, without blinking an eye. I go out every Friday night, in front of thousands of people in a stadium, and that doesn't faze me. But when I talk to you, I feel tongue tied, I don't want to say the wrong thing to you. Hell, I wanted to hold your hand during dinner, and the thought of that made my heart race."

I laughed. "You're so adorable and silly. If you wanted to hold my hand, you could have."

"I don't think so, my palms would have been sweaty and gross," He countered then laughed. "I wouldn't want to overwhelm you, city girl."

"Oh whatever, country boy." I rolled my eyes, but I was grinning from ear to ear and heat rose to my face. He decided early on that that would be my nickname. Even though I grew up in a small town, it was the city compared to where Connor grew up.

When he wasn't paying attention, I took his free hand in mine, causing him to turn fifty shades of red before he returned to his natural color. I liked that I could make him nervous and make him blush. At least it supported everything he said to me.

"So, if I may ask, what made you say yes to me, when a few weeks ago, you barely looked at me." He asked. I shrugged. Initially, I thought it was to forget everything, to smite Carlisle, but the minute I said yes, none of that mattered anymore, nor did it cross my mind. I just wanted to give him a chance.

"Your pretty blue eyes, your mesmerizing curly hair, your sexy dimples," I joked as I poked at the charmers at the end of his smile. "You said you'd wait for me. Even when I'd turned you down. And you took a chance, coming to my house, you brought me roses, how can a girl say no to that?"

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