Chapter Four: The Morning After

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When I woke up, my face was hot. Why was my face so hot? What time is it anyways? When did I go to sleep?

As questions plagued my mind, I searched for the clock in the room, and my eyes land on the one above my entertainment center it read two PM. It was pretty late, almost too late for me to be sleeping in at such a time. But at least I had some good news, and I had some bad news.

Good news?

I understood chemistry.

Bad news?

I missed chemistry. And I probably would not be able to take my test. The test I'd been studying for. How ironic is that?

Eff my life.

I don't even remember falling asleep. I remember studying with Carlisle... Then...


It was like I blacked out. We were up pretty late. But I doubt we'd been up late enough for me to, I don't know, forget the whole night. Unless he gave me GHB, which I highly doubt. Especially since this isn't the first time I've stayed up all night and forget the previous night when I woke up.

Where was Carlisle anyways?

Something stirred under me and I tried not to scream when I realized it was him. I was lying on top of Carlisle Evans.

Oh my god, how did we fall asleep together? I couldn't have been that tired. And even if I was I doubt I would just... fall asleep on him. I looked up at him wondering how I was going to get off him without waking him up. I sat up carefully and surveyed the room, my chemistry book falling out my lap. The masses of papers I had on the floor before he came were still lying all over the floor. I had a splitting headache as I struggled to remember what actually happened, but I couldn't remember half of last night-

"Elli?" Carlisle asked, my instinct was to not answer him, but it's hard to ignore someone you were sort of straddling. There was just no getting out of this one, unfortunately.

"Um... Hi, Carlisle..." God this was awkward...

"If you wanted to sleep with me, all you had to do was ask." He muttered. Like I'd have to ask, I thought and rolled my eyes. He was too cocky for his own good, and mine, for that matter.

"How late did we stay up?" I asked as I got up, removing myself from his body. I probably took longer than I should have. I should have been up the minute I woke up, or at the very least, the minute he woke up.

"That depends. What time is it now?" He wiped his eyes and sat up. He looked really good in the morning... even in a wrinkled t-shirt and messy hair- "Elli."

"Two." I replied, awkwardly shifting my eyes from his body to the floor. I hope he didn't notice, that would only add fuel to the friendship fire, I'm sure. I awkwardly started cleaning up the papers that were on the floor in effort to distract myself.

"Dammit. I had somewhere to be at one." He mentioned moving off my couch quicker than I had ever seen before. He started helping me clean up my living room. "We were up until six in the morning. What class do you have now?"

"Communications starts in twenty minutes. If I walk I'm going to be late." I replied before mentally swearing. Obviously, I wasn't adjusting to the college schedule that easily. At least in high school you went at seven, left at two and never had to really worry about anything else. But no. College was all about personal responsibility which really wasn't working out for me. Where the hell was Rachel, wasn't she supposed to make sure I got around okay? She's seriously slacking as a babysitter.

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