Chapter Thirteen: Handling The Truth

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I haven't been in contact with anyone in about six months. I would text Kate every so often to let her know I was alright but the truth is, I had no idea what the hell was going on. I just had to trust Connor. But I just... He was hiding something. To what extent? I couldn't tell. But he just had this way about him. I felt as if he were being honest about everything but at the same time, I felt like he was holding back. I don’t know… everything was just weird.

Speaking of weirdness, something that has happened to me lately might be the most normal out of everything. I kept having a reoccurring dream, that I was in an asylum and that I was with Carlisle trying to escape. The same dream, every night and it only looped. I was thinking maybe it meant something, but I couldn’t even begin to process what it could mean. So I just passed it off as my passive aggressive way of dealing with our falling out.

I watched Connor make breakfast for us and I tried my best to pretend that weren’t hiding from only Connor knows what but I just blurted out,

“What the hell is going on?”

He looked at me and sighed. I always hated when he did that because I knew it was something serious. I also knew it was something that I wasn’t going to like in the least bit. For a while, he casually avoided what I said to the point I repeated myself.

“If I told you, would you even believe me?” He wondered. That seemed like a frivolous question considering I didn’t know where the hell I was and I trusted him enough to leave with him in the first place. I was actually surprised he asked me that in the first place.

“If it were the truth, yes.” I explained. He ran a shaky hand through his blonde curls as he set the bacon and egg breakfast in front of me. I wanted to remain stern about him telling me what was up, but the loud growling in my stomach forced me to steal a piece of bacon off the plate.

“Alright-y then. I can try but you can’t interrupt me, you can  nod or shake your head, just no words. I have to get this out before I lose my nerve to tell you,” He started. I nodded and proceeded to stuff my face, indicating my dedication to not speaking. “Do you remember when you were ten and you broke your arm in three places jumping from the swing set at school?” — I nodded — “And two weeks later, when it was completely healed, the doctors ran a bunch of tests on you to see how it happened?” —I nodded again— “I healed you.”

“How about when you were playing soccer at fourteen and you completely tore your ACL and in a week it was better?” —I nodded once more— “I did that too.”

I raised my hand for a question and he permitted me just one.

“What do you mean heal me?” I inquired and he put his hand up. On the one hand he seemed surprised I didn’t freak out but on the other hand it seemed like he wished I did by the way he was staring at me.

“I’m getting there.”


“Remember that frat party you went to? The one where you woke up naked?” He asked and I nodded with eyes wide as saucers. For a moment, I forgot I told him, but even then, I didn’t think he’d bring it up. “Nothing happened. When I got there, you were already naked. I pulled him off of you and I made him break up with you because you deserved better.”

“Okay.” I said again, but this time slower than the last. I wasn’t entirely sure what that night had to do with right now.

“I’m your guardian angel, Eleonora.” He confessed. I narrowed my eyes at him. Even if that were the truth, which I was a bit skeptical on, why withhold that kind of information.

“You’re my what—“ My sentence was interrupted by the large white wings that sprouted from Connor’s back. “Oh… my… god. Why didn’t you just tell me?”

“I couldn’t. If I could have, I would. First of all, we’re never supposed to reveal ourselves, that’s how we get stripped of our wings. Second of all, you’re never supposed to fall in love with your charge and if you do, you’re supposed to recuse yourself. I couldn’t bring myself to do it.” He explained. Which I supposed made sense but still.

“What about Carlisle?” I wondered and then added, “How old are you then? If you were old enough to protect me when I was ten.”

“I didn’t lie too much about my age. I’ll be thirty next year. I’m ten years older than you are. So I was twenty when you were ten. And the part about Carlisle is tricky.

“Carlisle was a fellow guardian. He’s around my age as well. I’ll explain that a bit later but you, you live on an entirely different plane than everyone else. The college we go to is no longer in existence for the rest of the world, only we can see it.

“Which brings me back to Carlisle. He lost his wings for letting his charge die before her time. She was seventeen. She and her friend were driving around and she was drunk out of her mind. She caused a car accident, which resulted in her ramming into a tree and the other driver hitting the passenger side.

“Carlisle was supposed to be watching her that night, but he was with Bailey. And he blamed me because I could have stopped it. And that’s why we fight.” He explained and I frowned. I guess I understood both points of view, but I felt bad for both of them.

“Why did he blame you?” I questioned and Connor sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose.

“Because my charge was in that car too,” He confessed. “You died in that car accident, Elli.”

“Wha.. what?”

“You died. Everyone you’ve seen is either dead or an angel.” He reiterated and tears started to fall down my face.

“I don’t understand!” I cried. This didn’t make sense! I saw my parents, I saw Kate!

“Kate died in the accident. Carlisle is an angel. My mother died last year of a heart attack. Candice is an angel. Matthew committed suicide after my mom’s death. London died in a house fire. Your mom committed suicide after you died. A few years later, Vince overdosed on sleeping pills by mistake. The reason you can see the university is because it technically died in a fire ten years ago.” He continued as I cried inconsolably. None of this made sense to me. I couldn’t just be dead.

“What about Bailey? I saw Bailey too!” At this point, I was grasping for straws and he knew it too but couldn’t do anything to fix it.

“That’s different. Bailey is a soul collector.”

Authors note: I’m so sorry for the sudden end of Trapped Like Crazy. I just lost the inspiration to write it, whether it is from lack of popularity or it doesn’t spark my interest anymore, I’m not sure. But, as far as right now, there is a sequel planned. When I say that, I mean I intend on writing a sequel sometime if my heart is in it. However, I didn’t want to leave my crazies hanging and never finish this story. Who knows, I might revisit this book somewhere down the line, but as of right now, I’m done with it. Thank you for all of your support crazies.

Love always,

ShadowNinja21 ~

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