Chapter Five: Ten Reasons The Hospital Sucks.

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The infection only got worse. Three weeks later, it'd spread down my back. It almost looked like an insignia of something the way it swirled like an S, but it's not like I could tell anybody that. It's not like I wanted to tell anybody that.

What would I tell the doctor? Oh, hey I know that it looks bad, but I can explain. Funny story. You see I had a dream. It was part dream, part nightmare. One minute I was getting super frisky with a college hottie I barely know, then I was being choke to death by something that looked a lot like the devil's helper. He then scratched me and when I woke up, this was here. Funny, right?

Yep, that'd get me a one-way ticket to the Looney bin.

But I was going to have to do something. Carlisle was getting suspicious of the fact that in humid weather, I'm wearing tight long sleeved shirts. He even threatened to take me to the doctors if I didn't stop. And today was the day I was going to fess up. I didn't like lying to him and the long sleeved shirts were only making it worse.

I heard keys turning in my door and I sighed.

It was him.

I know it seemed a little odd for him to have my house key, but I was tired of letting him in and out at crazy hours. It was easier for me this way, and I knew it was easy for him. And on some level, I guess I felt a little bit safer knowing he had it.

Besides. Even though I didn't want his friendship, he'd become a pretty reliable and trustworthy person.

"Honey, I'm home!" Carlisle announced. He did that often to get under my skin and it did but I was almost starting to enjoy it. And I hated that I did because it was becoming even harder to just be his friend.

Curse my teenage hormones.

"Oh, bite me!" I called out as I pulled my tank top over my head. I was going to tell him... I had to. It was getting way too difficult to hide. As I exited my room, I ran straight into him.

"When, where and how hard?" He proposition. I rolled my eyes at him and tried to push past him, but he grabbed my arm. "So you're not going to answer my question?"

"No, you pervert," I said as I finally got past him and made my way to the kitchen with him in tow. "Why are you here? We weren't scheduled to study today."

I tossed him a coke as he sat on the barstool. Though he'd never admit it, Carlisle was addicted to coke. He drank at least three a day. But according to him that didn't classify as an addiction.

"I know, but, I came to take you out on a date." He mentioned nonchalantly as he cracked open his soda. Before I could protest, he cut me off. "It's strictly educational."

"You're taking me on an educational date?" I asked incredulously with an eyebrow raised. There's no way in hell a date could be educational unless it was sex Ed. He nodded as he took a sip of his soda.

"Yup." He validated verbally.

"And I'm supposed to believe that?" I asked. He shrugged and took another drink.

"It's up to you whether or not you believe it, but you're going." He determined. When applicable, I try not to argue with Carlisle. Now was one of those times.

"Fine. Where are you taking me?" I wondered. I would love to know what an educational date was.

"It's a surprise." Can't say I didn't see that coming. "But we'll leave at seven."

"Okay." I surrendered. "Well before we go... I think I should tell you something." I clenched my unopened diet Pepsi in my had and chewed the bottom of my lip. I knew I didn't technically have to tell him, but the infection was spreading and showed no sign of subsiding.

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