Friendly Hangout!

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The next day came, when I got the text of where to meet we got ready and headed out. We got to the destination about 20 minutes till and we waited for them to show up. Megan freaked out when she saw Jungkook and the others walking towards us. Although they were wearing extra clothes to hide their identity its pretty hard to avoid 7 guys walking straight towards you.

"Hey" Jungkook said giving me a hug.

"Hey! So what are we doing?"

"Were taking you guys to an amusement park." V said

"Really? That'll be fun!!!!!" both Megan and I said. We then followed them to their car. It was a ten seater. Jin took the front passenger seat and then we all piled into the car. I was seated next to Jungkook and V, Megan was next to J-hope and Suga, and Jimin and Rap Monster sat in the two bucket seats. Megan was dying she was blushing hard core at the fact that she was next to J-hope. When we got to the amusement park V and I were running around acting like kids.

"V have you never been here?" I asked

"No I haven't!!!!"

"Awesome....lets go ride that." I point and we took off running. There weren't that many people but it was still busy. We didn't have to wait that long in line and we road several rides and goofed off. I could see V as my best guy friend he was just as childish as I was when it came to rides. Suga and Rap monster and J-hope hung around Megan which she loved, you could just tell by her face. They all kept switching partners for the rides. I was about to go on a ride with V when Jimin pulled towards him. I was a few inches from his face. I started to blush.

"What?" I asked

"Ride some rides with me!!! Please."

"Ok let's go" he grabbed my hand and led me away to a different seat. I looked back at V and Jungkook and they were just staring at us. After the ride Jimin and I went off on our own. During this time we talked.

"Alright I got a question for you."

"What's that?"

"Would you date me?"

"Woah! What?!?!?!?!"

"Not like real date just pretend."


"I want to see how someone reacts. If not pretend dating then how bout flirting with each other."

"Who do you need to see react?"

"That I can't tell you, but you'll figure it out... it is someone we are with."

"Fine. But just so you know you're really not my type. I mean your cute and funny...friendship material."

"Ouch!" he said grabbing his chest where his heart is. We laughed. After a few rides we went to meet up with everyone. When we got in sight of everyone Jimin grabbed my hand and pulled me towards him and place a kiss on my cheek. I was shocked. When he pulled away he whispered in my ear.

"It's time." And then I realized what was happening.

"Ok." I said and turned back to walk towards everyone and Jimin followed. He kept poking me and I just smiled.

"Hey you goof stop poking me or I'm going to poke you back." I said with a smile.

"Oh I'd like that." He said and continued to poke me.

"That's it!" I said and started chasing him. This really wasn't an act to me I felt like we were being great friends and goofing off, like I was with V. Although the only difference is that V didn't kiss me. Jimin went and hid behind Rap Monster.

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