Chapter 21

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*Not much of swearing but there is some in here so just putting the warning on here

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*Not much of swearing but there is some in here so just putting the warning on here.*

"I can't believe you are doing this to him!" Megan yelled at me. I just listened to her.

"He is so freaking miserable, he never leaves that damn couch. Why can't you just call him and work it out?"

"Megan understand how I feel."

"You're being a bitch!" She yelled


"Didn't I tell you not to date him. For this stupid reason that was bound to happen but NO you didn't listen!"

"I didn't plan on breaking up with him."

"Yeah so why now?"

"I can't get distracted by him anymore. My mom almost died because she didn't take her meds. I was so distracted by Jungkook being here I didn't watch her."

"Sarah your mom probably doesn't want to be on meds the rest of her life."

"So. She can't just decide to end her life. What kind of parent tries to basically kill themselves!?!"

"Sarah calm down, ok I get it..I do...I'm sorry."

"'s hard on me too ok...I try not to think about him and....and...a few nights ago he called me...I hadn't slept in a few days and I answered. "

"I heard, he said you told him to never call again."

"Yes, because when he said my name I wanted to leave my mom and go back to him. But my mom's all I have left."

"Well somewhere you have your dad."

"That's not even funny. If I ever saw my dad I wouldn't even know it was him."


"Oh Megan so my mom has been going out once a week to meet with a friend. I haven't followed yet but I want to know what kind of friend."

"You think she's got a boyfriend?"

"No, she wouldnt want to leave then don't you think?"

"Ah I guess your right. Hmm maybe ask her....she might tell you."

"Ha you are funny she's been hiding so much from me, I doubt she'll tell me."

"Hey Sarah I'm sorry to cut this short but I got to go..."

"Oh ok...bye."

"Bye!" She hung up quickly.


I went out and drank...I hadn't done it in a while and it sucked that I was by myself. I was just slowly falling.

"Can I have another." I asked the bartender who sat another drink in front of me. Down it went.

"What is a beautiful lady like yourself doing all alone." I turned to the guy.

"I'm not alone."

"I don't see anyone around you." He said pointing around us. "Want to come home with me?" He got close to me. I turned to the bartender again. He knew what I wanted and set another drink in front of me.

"Oh my chances are going up." He laughed.

"I have a boyfriend."

"Yea? Where is he then?"

I smiled and pulled out my phone and clicked the name. After a few rings he answered.

"Baaaabyyy." I smiled into the phone.

"Sarah What's wrong."

"I misssss yoooooooou."

"Are you drunk?"

"Yup and baaaby there is a guy here....he....wants me to go home. with him." I slurred my words.

"Please hand the phone to him." I did as he asked. The guy gladly took my phone and said hello. After a few seconds he handed my phone back to me and left.

"Yay! What did you say?" I asked

"Nothing really. Can you please go home now. I really can't come to you to save you."

"Kooooookiieeeeee I love youuuuuuu! I could see a future with you...but.....but....I fucked it up." I started crying.

"Calm down ok, you're drunk and just can't control..."

"Stop it! You should hate me!" I said causing him to stop talking.

"Im...I'm sorry im...goodbye." I said quickly before he could say anything and hung up. I left the bar as quickly as I could. When I got home I went straight to my room and flopped on the bed and passed out.

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