Chapter 15

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I just sat there staring at them with my mom. I wouldn't cry. After several attempts finally her heart beat was back. I let out the breath I had been holding. Before the doctor could leave I grabbed his arm.

"Can you tell my why that happened?" I asked not letting go of his arm.

"It happens sometimes, we will keep an eye on her and make sure it doesn't happen again." He said and I slowly let go of him. I went back to my mom's side and sat there hoping she would be ok.


After a few days she was seeming fine. They were going to let her be discharged in a few. The only thing is that the Doctor said she could not be left alone. Someone needed to stay with her because of what happened and how her condition could change at any moment. Since I was obviously the only one for my mom I had to make a tough choice. While my mom was getting her normal check up I walked out to the garden and made a phone call.

"Hi baby how are you?" Jungkook said happily. He wasn't going to be too happy after this call.

"Hi. I'm fine but I could be better."

"Well hopefully you'll be coming back to me soon."

"Jungkook that's what I need to talk to you about."

"Sarah What's going on?" He got serious.

"I'm not coming back."


"My mom can't be left alone and I'm the only one she has."

"I....I get it"

"I'm sorry."

"Don't be."

"Maybe after she gets a bit better well come visit. " I said trying to add some hope for us.


"I love you." at this moment I wanted to cling to him.

"I love you too. Hey I have to go. The guys are calling for me."

"Ok, I'll talk to you later."

"Bye." He hung up the phone. At this moment my heart broke. I knew what was to come and I didn't want to think about it. I went back to my mom's room and sat next to her as we talked about random things.

Over the next few days Kookie and I didn't really talk much. My mom was a bit worried about my mood change but didn't dig too much into it. When I finally got her home I was glad to be out of the hospital room.

"Sarah, we need to talk." My mom said as I sat on the couch.

"What's up?"

"I was trying not to bud in but what is going on with you and that guy?"

"Oh mom." I laughed

"Well you haven't talked to him on the phone."

"We've been texting a lot." I lied.

"Sarah. you can't lie to me."

"I don't know what you are talking about."

"Your mom knows you so well, stop worrying about me, you obviously like that guy a lot and you should be with him."

"I'm not leaving you and he understands." I was trying to stay positive.

" Sarah go live your life." My mom said

"I will later right now I'm staying by your side."

She shook her head and stopped fighting me on this subject.

She didn't know that I knew she was going to have to go back to the hospital for check ups weekly, plus the medicine she was now on. She was trying to hide it from me.

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