Power Rangers Mystic Force Chapter 1: Training Time

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One day while the rangers Nick, Madison (Maddie),Vida (V), Chip, and Xander were training Madison passes out.
"Maddie, wake up", says Nick.
"Hey Nick, what's wrong", asks Xander.
"Madison passed out", says Nick.
"Nick, please let me go", asks Madison.
"Never, you are my life, blood, and soul", says Nick.
"Xander, we need Udonna, now", says Chip.
Xander runs and finds Udonna.
"Udonna, Madison passed out and Nick has her, but she looks like she's near death", says Xander.
Udonna and Xander run into the main room, to see Madison on the floor.
"Nick, what happened", asks Udonna.
"Madison's dead", says Nick.
"How", asks Xander.
"She just stopped breathing, but Chip and I tried to revive her, but it didn't work", says Nick.
"Wait, look, Madison's waking up", says Chip.
"She's lost a lot of blood, but I'm taking her home", says Nick.
Nick leaves Rootcore with Madison in his arms.

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