Power Rangers Mystic Force Chapter 18

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That night at Pine Hollow, Lisa, Carole, and Stevie spend the night with Madison, Z, and Sydney in the clubhouse. They order Pineapple and Canadian Bacon pizza and when they pay for it, the six of them have a nice pizza and soda dinner.

"Hey girls can I show you something", asks Sydney.

"Sure, what is it", asks Carole.

Sydney turns her right fist into a piece of stone.

"How'd you do that", asks Lisa.

"I can turn my right fist into anything as long as I have a piece of stone, iron, crystal, or wood in my hand. I was born with my power. Z can duplicate herself, but the maximum duplication is three", Sydney.

"Sydney stop", says Z.

Madison has to get Lisa, Carole, and Stevie out of the clubhouse, before Z does something.

"What's going on Madison? Sydney usually isn't like this", says Carole.

"I know, but what Sydney told you, you have to forget it", says Madison.

"Why", asks Stevie.

"It's matter of life and death for those two", says Madison.

"Okay, we'll stay with you though", says Lisa.

Next thing you know there's an explosion. Madison, Lisa, Carole, and Stevie run to the clubhouse, where they see a small fire, so Carole and Madison put the flames out using fire extinguishers. When the flames are put out, Madison, Lisa, Carole, and Stevie share a look.

"That was way too close. Where's Z and Sydney at", asks Lisa.

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